
A Generous Jesus

A Generous Life

July 9, 2023 • Ps Anthony Liebenberg • 1 Timothy 6, Luke 18:29, Galatians 6, Matthew 6:21, Proverbs 11:24

Join Pastor Anthony as he unpacks the generous life of Jesus. In this thought-provoking sermon we learn about the generous nature of Jesus.

God is a generous God and Jesus is also generous and through the overflow of the work of the holy spirit we get to see that our lives are generous. We serve an amazing and generous God and we've all experienced God's generosity in our lives. We all have an example of God's generosity in our lives. 

Proverbs 11:24 teaches us how the world of the stingy gets smaller while that of a generous person grows and that's testament to walking with Jesus. 

Jesus turns our lives around for the better. In Jesus our lives become bigger as well, we see growth. If you want to understand God's magnificence then you have to understand what a generous life is. To be generous is to be like God because generosity is a description of God. 

In the Bible we see that religious people were not generous and that's because they were legalists. They loved judgment and the law and this was opposite to who Jesus was. 

A Generous Jesus

Jesus fed the thousands and this shows us that what He provides is always more than enough because He is the all sufficient one. So, because of His generosity and His nature, we as His followers need to be generous and embrace others around us. If the church learns this generosity then we will see the world change. 

So what stops us from being generous 

1. Fear:

Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear of not having enough can stop us from experiencing generosity in our lives. 

2. Flesh:

We are selfish by nature and we don't like sharing. Our sinful nature limits us from being generous but in Christ and in salvation we are set free from this nature. 

3. Frustration

We get frustrated when things don't go our way.  We have unfulfilled expectations and this stops us from being generous because things don't work the way we think they should and so we lose heart and faith and become discouraged. 

Luke 18:29 teaches us that God sees all we do and that our sacrifices are not in vain. So even when we give, we should not fear anything. 

We need to practice generosity because In Jesus we see so much generosity. He never left people as they were, He was generous with every aspect of His life. - even with His coming from His throne in heaven. He was generous with His life, death, words and being. He is generous in every way. 

A question worth pondering over:

Is a generous person kind? 

Food for thought: Generous people are not always kind. A person can give to all sorts of charities but be a scoundrel in some area of their life. That's why we as Jesus followers need to be driven by a kindness which results in generosity. Anyone can be generous but not everyone can be kind. 

There are 7 forms of generosity that we need to know of and exercise:

1. Thoughts

2. Words

3. Time

4. Money

5. Things

6. Influence

7. Attention

So, since Jesus always took the initiative in giving, we as people of God, must always seek out initiatives and ways in which we can bless others. 

These are a few characteristics of generous people: 

1. They are always satisfied

2. They say yes more than they say no

3. They ask 'what can I do for you?' 

4. They do not talk about 'their' possessions

5. They are energetic

So, how can you be generous today?