
A Generous God

A Generous Life

July 2, 2023 • Megan McCleland • Genesis 1, 1 Timothy 6, Psalm 6:3, Romans 8

Join this powerful sermon as Pastor Megan reminds us that generosity began with God. Generosity is God's idea. Genesis 1 Shows us that God was generous with His creation right from the start. From light coming forth and the ground producing fruit to the animals and all that He created, we see God's generosity. Genesis 1 v 27 teaches us of how God demonstrated His generosity by making mankind in His own image. 

We see from the beginning that everything came from Him. It's important to remember this because as humans we tend to forget that it all comes from Him. There are a lot of things man has created but man's creation comes from God's creation. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Him. God is the beginning of it all and He is generous, He provides for our needs. 

As a generous Father is towards His children, He asks us to be good stewards of His creation. That's why we can put our hope in Him because He provides for us. We have a hope that He will help us.

1. All good things come from God, our generous God

Sometimes as human beings, we struggle with that because we don't see the good around us but Genesis teaches us that He was generous with His creation. When God looked at his creation He saw that it was good, thus His intention was good. Though in Genesis, we see the fall of mankind, God doesn't leave us in our fallen state. He intended for us to be good but we cannot achieve that on our own and so that’s why He gave us Jesus. We need Jesus to help us - to make us good. That's why He is our redeemer. We might fall and things might get corrupted in the world and we tend to blame Him for that corruption but we need to know that He is good and His creation and intentions are good. 

2. He is generous in His thoughts towards us. 

God was and is not only generous towards us with His creation but with His thoughts towards us. God thinks about us - Psalm 6v3.

Think about how a God who created the universe and all there is thinks and cares about us. His generosity is an overflow of His love and goodness, motivating Him to give. He wants to give to us. He can’t help but be generous towards us. 

So, before we can be generous, we need to understand that God is generous, we need to understand His generosity and we need Him to help us understand this. 

3. God's most generous act towards us is giving us His son. 

God gave us His one and only son. Romans 8:31. If God can give us His only son, then how will He not give us all things? His hand is open, He is a generous God, so, don't put Him in a box. See Him for who He is - A generous, loving Father. Don't let your heart become hardened. See His love in front of you. 

After receiving all this from our loving Father, how can we not pursue a life of generosity? All we have is from Him. We came into the world with nothing so how can we not be generous? How can we not ask Him to use us for His will. We had nothing and yet He gave us so much. 

As followers of Jesus, who was a generous servant, we need to follow in His footsteps. We need to be generous with what we have as well.