
A Changed Perspective | Ps Bruce McCleland | Living Principles Part 2

Living Principles

January 14, 2024 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Acts 9:17, Matthew 4:19, Acts 12, Psalm 91:1, Matthew 15:1–5

Join Pastor Bruce as he continues with Living principles this week and teaches us on how to change our perspective and to stay in God's presence. 

We live in a community and we are a part of each other's lives, so with that, it's our responsibility to be influential and push for change. We need to breathe lives into each other. Life can be unpredictable and We can all get shaken by it. We often become so shook in our emotions and in our being so much so that we get deflated. We can get shaken by so many things in our lives including our surroundings. 

The thing is as much as we are a community, we get heavily influenced by our surroundings, our childhood, the people around us and even our location. Depending on our traditions and ethnicity and so much more, we get used to certain things our entire life and these somewhat shape our lives. These also have an impact on our dreams but when we are born again, we change - we become transformed. The nature of who we are changes because we draw from Christ and not our past. We become a new creation. We become citizens of heaven and therefore it becomes our influence. 

When Jesus transforms our lives then our viewpoint also changes. How we see life and obstacles changes. We stop focusing on our problems and start focusing on God. 

For example, in the case of Simon Peter: 

Peter asked to join Jesus on the water but sank when he stopped focusing on Jesus and Jesus grabbed him up. The same Peter later denied Jesus the night of His crucifixion due to fear but scripture tells us in Acts that when Peter was in jail he was sleeping. That’s because his position had changed- he was not focusing on himself but he was resting in the shadow of the Almighty. 

Another story is of Paul (Saul).

Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, He went blind and God gave him an instruction to meet a man named Ananias. Saul then met Ananias, and Ananias prayed for Saul, and his eyesight is returned ... .and then later on post-baptism, the Bible says that he was then filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. So, God dealt with his sight (Vantage point) and then dealt with his heart. 

That is what God does, He deals with our hearts, and only He can do that. In Matthew 4, Jesus calls us to follow Him and He will make us fishers of men. He calls us to follow Him first, to come into proximity with Him. He will transform us but first we need to follow Him. We need to make an active choice to follow and grow our relationship with Him. We are not called to have an encounter with Jesus on Sunday at church but we are to have a relationship with Him everyday. A relationship with Him will lead to change in our lives. 

If we don't change after encountering Jesus then instead of repenting, we will keep repeating the same mistakes and sins over and over again. Jesus transforms our lives. He changes who we are, He changes our vantage point and our hearts, like He did with Peter and Paul.

Therefore, in order to change and encounter Him we need to be in His presence.