
Generosity | Bruce McCleland | Living Principles Part 4

Living Principles

January 28, 2024 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Psalm 16:8, Psalm 15, Proverbs 22:6

The way in which our decisions have an impact on those around us and generations to come is the same way in which God's vision for our lives has a generational impact and implications. God is not caught off guard by our decisions - He has a plan and a vision for our lives regardless. 

We are a generational people and live in a generational space. Our morals and way of life have an impact on the generations to come. The laws we follow also have an impact on us - the same way God's laws have an impact in our lives and families. So, this week join Pastor Bruce as he teaches us on generational consequences, God’s plan and generosity.

We see this with His commandments - He created them for us to live a life that is not oppressive, not filled with greed, and a life of generosity. So, when we share God's laws and commandments with our kids, we are giving them ideologies to live by. Even if they deviate, they will always return. We see this in the book of Proverbs  22:6. We trust in these commandments and we share them with our kids because they are instructions from God for us to thrive - they are for the human family to thrive. When we become the children of God then we are called to follow and replicate Him and His ways in our lives. One of His ways and qualities is generosity. So because He is a generous Father we ought to be generous children. 

In order to move from a culture or a generation of greed then we have to learn to be generous. These are the ways in which we can:

We can only expect what we've shown: 

If we are generous with all that we have  (not just with money) then we can expect to see that generosity in our lives. This can also be generational because our kids learn from and imitate us. If we are greedy then our kids will be greedy and if we are generous then they also follow suit.

We can't expect what we haven't grown:

We need to have a vision and a value for our families. This also applies to our walk with God. We need to see God's vision and follow it. 

God wants us to grow and not just to show:

God wants us to grow. We can grow our faith by reflecting on our past, and then we will be able to see God's mercy and provision in our lives. This is how we grow our faith.

In conclusion, when we live generously then we have an impact on those around us and this grows the opportunity for them to be generous as well. We have influence over people around us and we need to do right and follow God and His ways. 

Our choices have a generational consequence but when we give our lives to Jesus then He makes us new. So what decisions are you making and are you considering the generations to come?