The grace of God has the power to change everything, and we must get back to making God's grace a realistic part of our lives!
Want to express the reality of the Gospel? Live it! Dr. Martin explains how your testimony can point others to Christ.
The Christian life can be summarized in two words: service and sacrifice. Dr. Martin explains how these principles govern our life of faith in Christ.
Compromising on truth for the sake of acceptance is unacceptable for Christian living. Dr. Martin explains how to avoid the pitfalls of error and how to find identity in Christ.
Want to live an honest life? You can! Dr. Martin explains the practicalities of living honestly through God's grace.
Abraham was an example of faith despite adversity. Dr. Martin explains how Christians can follow his example to lead lives of greater faith.
Free from the shackles of legalism, Christians are free to demonstrate their love for and faith in God through works that glorify Him!