
Who's Your One?

Each One, Bring One to the Gospel

The Importance of One

March 12, 2023 • Dr. Joe Martin • John 1:40–46

From the earliest days of Christianity, sharing Jesus was a characteristic of being a disciple. Pastor Joe explains the importance of introducing just one person to the Lord Jesus and issues three practical challenges to today's Christ-followers.

Worthy of Worship

February 26, 2023 • Evangelist Tim Thompson • Revelation 4

God is worthy of worship, and we must allow his glory to impact our lives. Evangelist Tim Thompson helps us understand how to declare with our life that God is worthy!

The Attitude of Absolute Surrender

February 26, 2023 • Evangelist Tim Thompson • Romans 12:1–2

The mercy of God compels Christians to live in such a way that they demonstrate the greatness of God. Evangelist Tim Thompson explains how living in absolute surrender is a demonstration of our gratitude for God's mercy.

The Power of Prayer and Preaching

February 25, 2023 • Evangelist Tim Thompson • Nehemiah 8:1–9

Do you want to experiences church services where God moves in special ways? Evangelist Tim Thompson explains the effect of prayer and preaching on people who have a heart and mind to seek God.

Stay Connected to God

February 24, 2023 • Evangelist Tim Thompson • Colossians 2:6–11

How we do stay connected with God? Evangelist Tim Thompson answers that question on the first night of our evangelistic meetings. Listen in to this service to hear how to live by faith and have confidence in Christ!

There's Not Enough

February 22, 2023 • Dr. Joe Martin • Matthew 9:35–38

The Lord Jesus indicated that there were many people who were unreached with his message and that workers were needed to bring in those ready to receive the gospel. But there's a problem: there’s not enough people, not enough prayer, and not enough preaching. Pastor Joe explains how a Gospel-ripened and prayer-saturated heart will lead disciples to share the gospel with others.

A Burden for the One

February 19, 2023 • Dr. Joe Martin • Luke 5:17–26

Contributing to something great doesn’t start with the masses. It starts with one person. Pastor Joe challenges the church to have a burden for the one in their lives who needs to come to faith in Jesus Christ. He explains the story of 5 Guys who carry a paralyzed man to Jesus, and he shows us the principles that must undergird our efforts to help others receive the gospel.

What Following Jesus Means

February 12, 2023 • Dr. Joe Martin • Matthew 4:18–22

Are you a follower of Jesus? In Matthew chapter 4, Jesus called his first followers, and from their calling we get a glimpse of what a disciple was and how disciples saw themselves. Pastor Joe explains that all disciples are Christians, but not all Christians are disciples. Listen to learn how you can affirm that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Embracing God's Purpose for Your Life

January 29, 2023 • Dr. Joe Martin • Psalm 67

The Lord God desires to use your life to reach the world for his glory. Listen in as Pastor Joe explains how Psalm 67 reveals three ways in which God wants to use you to reach the world.

The Hope of Church Planting

January 22, 2023 • Jeremy Rowland • Acts 11:19–26

Jeremy Rowland, the Director of Baptist Church Planting Ministry, explains the biblical hope that is found in starting new churches in fulfillment of the Great Commission.

The History of Church Planting

January 22, 2023 • Jeremy Rowland • Acts 17:1–6

Jeremy Rowland, the Director of Baptist Church Planting Ministry, explains the biblical and historical patterns of starting new churches in fulfillment of the Great Commission.

The Reversal that Cannot Be Reversed

January 15, 2023 • Dr. Joe Martin • Luke 16:19–31

Jesus Christ, who was the only person alive who understood what hell was like, decided to give us one parable about hell. Pastor Joe explains the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus as a story of contrast. He explains that their lives both experience a reversal that cannot be reversed on the other side of this life.

Join the Gospel Team (Strategy Sunday 2023)

January 8, 2023 • Dr. Joe Martin • Philippians 1:27

As Christians and as a church, we must work together on the same team – the Gospel Team. Pastor Joe explains the New Testament strategy and application to Liberty Baptist as he exhorts everyone to get involved in the Great Commission. Listen to learn how our conduct, unity, and teamwork will make it possible for us to fulfill our mission.