
Memorizing the Word of God

Psalm 119:9-16

December 15, 2021 • Dr. Joe Martin • Psalm 119:9–16

As disciples, our goal is not merely to get into the word; our goal is to get the word into us. No other discipline will have a more powerful effect on your life than memorizing Scripture. Listen as Dr. Martin explains the benefits of and practical ways to memorizing Scripture.

Essentials of the Christian Life

January 1, 2021 • Dr. Joe Martin

Prayer: The Biggest Little Thing You Can Do

April 28, 2021 • Dr. Joe Martin

Practical Prayers for Spiritual Maturity

May 25, 2022 • Dr. Joe Martin • Matthew 6:9–15

The Lord's model prayer has two primary aspects of content: the tangible and intangible; the physical and spiritual. Join us as Pastor Joe challenges us to examine our prayers for spiritual blessings.