
To Live is Christ: Guest Speaker

July 10, 2022

Join us as we hear from one of Lakeside Elders, Jonathan Clark while Pastor Vince is out of town.

Philippians 2:19-30
In this passage we find Paul expressing great appreciation and affection for Timothy and Epaphroditus who have joined him in his ministry. Many of us can probably relate to both the experience of having friends that can be relied upon and also situations where we’re overwhelmed and there is no help to be found. What does it look like for our relationships and community to go beyond the current worldview and to bear one another’s burdens and live as brothers and sisters in Christ? We also see that Paul is trying to accomplish much with very little. Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Is this still true today? We will discuss how we can participate in the plentiful harvest that Christ has prepared.