
Great Tribulation, Israel, & the Second Coming

Mark 13:14-27

July 26, 2020 • Pastor Ray Viola

We are now in the section of Jesus’ Olivet discourse where He tells us about events during the great tribulation period that lead up to His Second Coming. Much can be, and has been, written about this unparalleled period of time, which Jesus said would be unlike any other period of time in all of human history (Mark 13:19).

One key to end times prophecy is the establishment of the Jewish people in the nation of Israel. They had been scattered around the world for more than 1500 years, but continue to be gathered again back to their ancient homeland, where they will one day look up and recognize that Jesus Christ is their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10).

So as we continue to work our way though this amazing end times prophecy, may The Spirit of God cause us to be more tuned in to what God said will come to pass – and live our lives accordingly – than what man’s flawed opinions have to say about any other issue or crisis. Let’s be looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Selah

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