
The Lord Jesus, Our Master, Teacher

Mark 8:34

August 23, 2020 • Pastor Ray Viola

Jesus gave this two worded invitation to those who heard Him teach, “Follow Me.” (Matthew 4:19) Do not just be content hearing what I say; follow Me and do what you see me doing. We know that The Lord Jesus is the express image of The Father (Hebrews 1:3). He is The Eternal Word of God made flesh, Who dwelt amongst us (John 1:1,14). Thus, it would be proper to say that The Lord Jesus is not only the perfect theology of God on earth, but that The Lord Jesus is the Perfect Master and Teacher as well.

Contrary to the popular “cross-less gospel” that is prevalent in today’s church, The Lord Jesus is not looking for fans; He is looking for followers. While the “Jesus Fan Club” may have multitudes, the followers of Jesus are few. We are living at a time when the heretical gospel of the healthy and wealthy is producing a number of coddled, comfortable, and covetous pseudo-saints. Did you know that there are two places in Scripture where The Lord Jesus is specifically called our example? In 1 Peter 2:21 He is referred to as an example of suffering. In John 13:15, which we will be looking at this morning, The Lord Jesus is referred to as an example of being a servant. Suffering? Servant? The practical example of The Lord Jesus Christ is offensive to today’s soft living, self-centered church.

Beloved, there is not comfortable or convenient way to suffer or be a servant. It is no surprise when The Lord Jesus invited people to come unto Him that so few responded. Why? Because human nature, be it 2,000 years ago or today, is addicted to living for the inferior trinity of me, myself, and mine. The slightest message of discomfort in following Jesus or an appeal made to serve by putting others first causes many to flee for cover. We have One Master-Teacher and His Name is Jesus Christ. The pathway to happiness and purpose in life is not found is serving self, but by denying self, be it for the sake of suffering or serving Jesus for the glory of God. Selah

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