
Following Him

Mark 6: 1-13

November 18, 2018 • Pastor Ray Viola

At the start of His public ministry, Jesus declared that He was the Christ, and that He came to fulfill the prophecies regarding Him (Luke 4:16-21). He was rejected (Luke 4:28-29). Now, as He is drawing towards the latter part of His earthly ministry, Jesus returns to the synagogue in Nazareth, only to be rejected again. The first time, Jesus went alone, He had no followers. This time He brought His disciples with Him. They heard the crowd question the nature of His birth. They could not deny the wisdom and power of God’s Spirit upon Him. But, as far as they knew, He was a carpenter with no rabbinical or theological training. Where then did He get such gifting? There were only two options: God or Satan. Amazingly, even His brothers and sisters did not know who He was. But Mark tells us that His disciples followed Him. He was teaching them both by precept and example that following Him at times includes being rejected, in spite of being in the center of God’s will and calling.

To follow Jesus means that He is The One we look to for a perfect example of what the will of God looks like, on earth, as it is in heaven. When He sent them out with the authority to anoint with oil and cast out devils, they were learning that the power of God is released in His Name, even when He is not present physically. Whenever Jesus is praying, teaching, washing feet, or ministering to the multitudes, He is providing us the example that we are to follow. The apostle Paul told the Corinthians to follow him as he followed Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).

Beloved, we are first and foremost followers of Jesus; we have been bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20). Christ has purchased us for His glory. Our assignment here on earth is to re-present the life of Jesus in everything that we do. May God grant us the grace to remember that we live to follow and please only One, and His Name is Jesus. Follow Him.

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