
It's Time To Decide - Part 2

Gray with Indecision

April 10, 2022 • Philip De Courcy • Psalm 25

The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our choices. And that's what makes decision making the pressing present priority that it is. Do you want to live your life like Jesus lived His? How many times do the gospel writers and the commentators in Jesus' life say this? That He did that according to the Scriptures. That whatever He did was done in fulfillment of the scriptures. Jesus' life was choreographed by God's word. The Bible is there to take the guesswork out of life. God's will in many ways is an open secret. Conduct is determined by the truth of God's Word. And so He wants to walk in God's ways. He wants to travel the path of obedience. Where the word of God is not definite or where the word of God is dealing with a matter of choice or freedom, we need to deploy and employ sound judgment.

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