
It's Time To Decide - Part 1

Gray with Indecision

April 3, 2022 • Philip De Courcy • Psalm 25

Life is not a choice for any one of us, but once we are alive, life is full of choices. Our journey through life will invariably bring us to certain crossroads where we need to decide this way or that way, this thing or that thing. And the other thing to remember in that, is by the way, if you don't make a decision about that thing, you've made a decision about that thing. You can't run from decisions. No decision is a decision. And the other thing to remember, is that God's not going to just hold us accountable for the things we did, but for the things we didn't do, there's the sin of commission and there's the sin of omission. What's the sin of commission? That's doing what we're forbidden. What's the sin of omission? Not doing what we're commanded.There's just no skipping decisions and choices. So all of that said, it's a secret thing to be able to make a choice. It's a scary thing to have to make a choice, but it's all solvable. It's a solvable thing, because God has sent down in His word, patterns and principles by which you and I can govern our choices.

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