
Don't Be Scared - Part 1

White with Fear

January 16, 2022 • Philip De Courcy • Philippians 4:4–9

In and of themselves, emotions are not sinful. Now, they can be twisted and tainted by our sin nature, and can become sinful, but just as a baseline, emotions are beneficial and beautiful. They are God given. We don’t need to flee from emotions or be frightened by them. They are part of our humanity. With that being said, while certain expressions of emotion can be healthy, holy, and helpful, given the fact that you and I are fallen, given the fact that we believe in total depravity which simply means that every part of our body and faculty has been messed up with sin, then the danger is expressing emotions selfishly and sinfully. If we are not careful, emotions tainted and twisted by sin can become unwelcome. In this series we we will look at a biblical theology on how to handle unwelcome emotions and the good news is, through the hope of the Gospel, through the sufficient instruction of God's Word, through the empowering presences of the Holy Spirit, through means of grace and active participation on your part and my part, putting off and putting on, we can show these ugly, unwelcome emotions the back door. Let’s address from God’s Word that our emotions like fear and anxiety can be due to physical factors, circumstantial factors, and spiritual factors. We don’t need to be a victim to your circumstances or a prisoner of our emotions. Through Christ, we get to live in the birthright, privileges, and pleasures of the Gospel.

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