
Live Continually By The Holy Spirit

October 6, 2019 • Pastor Wes Richards

We can’t live God’s way on our own. We need a helper, a friend, a comforter, a guide. We need to know how we can come close and stay close to Jesus. This is why we need to Live By The Spirit; the Holy Spirit is all of these things. Jesus said that when He returned to heaven the Holy Spirit would be our helper in our daily walk with God and our daily work for God. In this new series, let’s discover how to Live By The Spirit as instructed in 1 Corinthians 3:1 and Galatians 5:25.

Further Scripture:
Galatians 6:1, John 15:26, 1 Samuel 2:21

Key Points:
* We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:31)
* We need to stay close to the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30, 1 Thess. 5:19)
* We need to keep in step with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:25)

Apply The Word:
What atmosphere do you live in? Do you live in the presence of peace or distress? Do you live in the presence of joy or sadness? Do you live in the presence of love? What happens if you measure your environment by the fruit (Galatians 5:22-23)? All of us live in a real world; a world that is both physical and spiritual. Just as we have to choose what physical environment we dwell in, we have to choose what spiritual environment we live in; either the spirit of darkness or the Holy Spirit, and the spirit of light.

We need to live by the Holy Spirit not just occasionally, momentarily. Not just at a small group, service, or conference. We need to live by the Spirit every moment of every day.

We need to choose today to live in the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit, which we can measure by our experience of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). If we aren’t experiencing that fruit, we need to change our spiritual environment to live by the Spirit. Spend time in prayer asking the Lord to open your eyes to the spiritual environment you live in and fill you completely with the Holy Spirit.

Depend On The Holy Spirit

November 24, 2019 • Pastors Drikus & Melody Erasmus

When you’re in a tough spot, when you have challenges, when you have a mountain to conquer, when you are nervous, anxious, afraid or worried, what and who do you depend on? What do you look to, in order to deal with the nerves, the anxiety, or to sort out a situation? Today many people try to rely on their own strengths, their education, their reasoning, the strength of their bank balances, their abilities, their personality, their friends and family to get them through life. But ultimately God is the only one on whom we can truly rely. In this message, we learn from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians how to always depend on the Holy Spirit. Key Points & Scripture: #1. Rely on The Holy Spirit and not your own strengths (1 Cor. 2:1, 4, 9-13, 2 Cor. 12:9, Isa. 55:8); #2. Rely on The Holy Spirit when you feel weak (1 Cor. 2:3, Isaiah 40:29); #3. Rely on God to work through you; Focus on the cross (1 Cor. 2:2, 1 Cor. 1:18-25, Rom. 1:17); You will never be orphans (1 Cor. 2:4-5, Acts 3:6, Zech. 4:6, 1 Thess. 5) Additional Scripture: 2 Chron. 16:7, Psalm 20:7, 62:5-7, Prov. 3:5-6 Apply The Word: When you’re in a hard time what do you look to? When you’re in a good time what do you look to? Does it take a difficult situation or circumstance to lead you to rely on the Holy Spirit, or is it a natural and constant decision in every season? God can do great things in you and through you, but you need to stop relying on yourself and let the Holy Spirit work through you. Repent from being independent from God; any spirit of doing it your way, always having the answers. Instead, by the grace of God, live without pressure; give your burdens to Jesus, your Burden-Bearer. As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5, choose a lifestyle where you pray without ceasing, and involve God in everything. A lifestyle where you lean constantly on the Holy Spirit and rely on God – not your own strength. Are you fully dependent on the Holy Spirit for your personal life, home, family, finances, career, hobbies, ministry? Is there an area of your life that you have never surrendered to the direction of the Holy Spirit? Many Christians today, instead of living dependent lives, have been living chronically independent lives. Sometimes it is just the ministry or the morality that is dependent on the Holy Spirit, rather than the entire life as every Christian is called to live. The Bible says in the book of 1 Samuel that independence or rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft. It is very serious. But God is merciful. It is time for every Christian to quit failing and attempting most things in our own strength; to quit playing god and to trust wholly and constantly in Jesus Christ. Is God your backstop or your first port of call? How desperate are you for your next breath? How badly do you need it? How dependent are you on God for your next heartbeat? Do you walk through life confident that when your plans fail, God is there, or do you walk through life knowing that God’s perfect plan is available every day? God calls us to depend on Him completely. When we live that way as His Church, we are able to represent His image here on earth and live a life of true faith, miracles, and obedience to God. Today, make God number one.

Comforted By The Holy Spirit

November 17, 2019 • Robert & Maria Magembe

Comfort is one of the greatest needs of people in our world. There are so many things in the world today that make us feel alone, scared, desperate, unloved, or unwelcome. But by the Holy Spirit, we can experience peace and joy. This comfort the Bible speaks about is something that touches us deep in our hearts and brings freedom. As the Bible says; God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Today you don’t need to feel disheartened anymore; whatever situation you are in, you can receive the Holy Spirit as your comforter. Key Points & Scripture: #1. He is on our side (Romans 8:26-28); He intercedes for us; He comforts our hearts and minds; He represents Jesus; #2. He will help you know what is right and what is wrong (John 6:63, Phil. 4:8); He will speak the truth; He will speak directly; He will speak through the Word of God; #3. He will always be with you (Psalm 94:19, Rom. 8:35, 2 Cor. 1:3-4, John 14:18); He will never leave you; You will never be orphans (Psalm 27:10) Apply The Word: Do you walk alone through life, or do you recognise that the Holy Spirit wants to advocate for and defend you? Do you draw near to the Spirit to grow in relationship with the one who can speak for you? You may feel like you have no one on your side and are left to walk alone in life, but the Holy Spirit is the best defender and advocate. The Spirit works in us to give us His peace and His joy. You need to pray and read the Bible every day to continually draw close to the Spirit. When you pray, He directly ministers comfort to your heart. When you read God's Word, the Holy Spirit ministers the truth to you. These foundations of prayer and His Word allow us to remain unshakeable even in the difficult times of life. Do you allow sadness to follow you wherever you go, or do you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your every step? The disciples were terribly sad to hear that Jesus was going away from them. They had come to know Jesus personally and they were about to lose His presence on earth. But Jesus promised them that it was best that He leave so He could send ‘another Counsellor’; God’s Spirit. We read in Acts about the persecution, pain and sadness, and yet we read that they were all filled with joy. The Apostle Paul experienced great hardship, yet he said you can rejoice always. The same Holy Spirit that the disciples and early church knew is with us today. Allow Him to be with you at all times and in all situations. Allow Him to comfort you when you are lonely and feel vulnerable. Allow Him to comfort you when you have lost a loved one. Receive His comfort and be restored today.

Taught By The Holy Spirit

November 3, 2019 • Mike and Natasha Airey

There are many teachers through which the world offers instruction. You can be taught by your boss, your teacher, your parents, a close friend, a colleague. Some of the most influential teachers in the world today are the media, social media, music, films, and adverts. These things teach us the way the world says we should look and live if we’re to be loved and accepted. Our opinions and habits are formed, informed and transformed by what we are taught. While we can have many teachers in life for good and for bad, Jesus taught that the primary teacher we need to have in life is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher and you can be taught by Him every single day. Let’s discover how. The Holy Spirit Teaches Us About… 1. Jesus (…the Spirit of truth…will glorify me); Who Jesus Is (1 Cor. 12:13, John 15:26); We Are Children Of God (Rom. 8:14-17); How To Live For Jesus (Mark 13:11) 2. The Future http://(...and he will tell you what is yet to come); Of The Church (Matt 16:18); Of The World (Dan. 2:21); Your Future (Acts 16:6-7, 19:21, 20:22) 3. Everything http://(...he will guide you into all the truth); About People (Matt 9:4, Luke 9:47); About The Ways & Thoughts Of God (1 Cor. 2:13-14, Isa. 55:8-9); About Prayer (Rom. 8:26-27); About Living Righteously (John 1:29, 5:14) Apply The Word: Today, who is teaching you? Have you learnt the ‘right way to be’ from a teacher or a TV show? Do you look to the news, to social media, to popular culture, to find what has value or what the future holds? There are many voices in the world but only one which will reveal Christ to you. He doesn’t speak how we speak, and his wisdom is not human wisdom – the Holy Spirit reveals spiritual realities that can only be revealed to us when we are living by the Spirit and being taught by Him. We must make a decision to ask the Holy Spirit to be our main teacher in life. First, we must ask & receive Him into our lives, then choose to live by the Spirit each day. How much importance do you place on quality time with the Holy Spirit every morning? Or on being in church, attending a small group, growing in the Spirit through our courses Life Class and Destiny Training? The Spirit will teach you what to say and how to live for Jesus in every circumstance. To have His insight though, we must prioritise Him and spend quality time with Him. To live for Jesus, you need to simply stay close to the Holy Spirit. He will help you live out your faith at all times and in all situations. He is your helper in life, as Jesus promised! If you’ve been a Christian for a long time, is your life showing the evidence of having the Holy Spirit as your teacher? Or is there more evidence of another teacher? Do you need to renounce wrong teaching in your life? With the Holy Spirit as your teacher, you will bear good fruit. With wrong teachers, you will bear fruit of a different kind. Looking at the evidence of your life, outline the areas where you see bad fruit. Consider what teaching or worldview led to that result and come before God to turn away from wrong teaching from the past. Make a decision from this day forward to seek only the right guidance of the Holy Spirit and to walk in it.