
Comforted By The Holy Spirit

November 17, 2019 • Robert & Maria Magembe

Comfort is one of the greatest needs of people in our world. There are so many things in the world today that make us feel alone, scared, desperate, unloved, or unwelcome. But by the Holy Spirit, we can experience peace and joy. This comfort the Bible speaks about is something that touches us deep in our hearts and brings freedom. As the Bible says; God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Today you don’t need to feel disheartened anymore; whatever situation you are in, you can receive the Holy Spirit as your comforter.

Key Points & Scripture:
#1. He is on our side (Romans 8:26-28); He intercedes for us; He comforts our hearts and minds; He represents Jesus;
#2. He will help you know what is right and what is wrong (John 6:63, Phil. 4:8); He will speak the truth; He will speak directly; He will speak through the Word of God;
#3. He will always be with you (Psalm 94:19, Rom. 8:35, 2 Cor. 1:3-4, John 14:18); He will never leave you; You will never be orphans (Psalm 27:10)

Apply The Word:
Do you walk alone through life, or do you recognise that the Holy Spirit wants to advocate for and defend you? Do you draw near to the Spirit to grow in relationship with the one who can speak for you? You may feel like you have no one on your side and are left to walk alone in life, but the Holy Spirit is the best defender and advocate. The Spirit works in us to give us His peace and His joy. You need to pray and read the Bible every day to continually draw close to the Spirit. When you pray, He directly ministers comfort to your heart. When you read God's Word, the Holy Spirit ministers the truth to you. These foundations of prayer and His Word allow us to remain unshakeable even in the difficult times of life.

Do you allow sadness to follow you wherever you go, or do you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your every step? The disciples were terribly sad to hear that Jesus was going away from them. They had come to know Jesus personally and they were about to lose His presence on earth. But Jesus promised them that it was best that He leave so He could send ‘another Counsellor’; God’s Spirit. We read in Acts about the persecution, pain and sadness, and yet we read that they were all filled with joy. The Apostle Paul experienced great hardship, yet he said you can rejoice always. The same Holy Spirit that the disciples and early church knew is with us today. Allow Him to be with you at all times and in all situations. Allow Him to comfort you when you are lonely and feel vulnerable. Allow Him to comfort you when you have lost a loved one. Receive His comfort and be restored today.