
Seeing Jesus Face to Face

September 4, 2022 • 1 John 2:28—3:3

Today begins the last quarter of our 2022 vision plan curriculum. Thus far this year, our intentions with this theme have been 1) To understand how precious Jesus is; 2)To understand the uniqueness of Jesus; and 3) To maintain the unity He has given us. Now, during the 4th quarter, we’ll turn our attention to the ultimate goal … seeing Jesus face to face. This is our hope. An even higher status awaits us in the future. All of this is based off the thesis statement for the book in 1 John 5.13: I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. How can we dwell securely in the fact that I will see Him face to face?