
Lesson 12 - A Wealth of Spiritual Blessings

Embracing Our Identity and Inheritance in Christ

May 26, 2024 • Russ Robins, Dru McLaughin, Justin Spargo • Ephesians 1:3

After a short introduction, Paul begins the letter to the Ephesians by pouring out praise to our God, who is the essence of all that is good. Ours is the God who loves to give. We’ve already read from Romans 8:28, which speaks of His work and involvement in our lives. James said every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17). God is all about good, and He loves to shower blessings on His children. In fact, you have been so blessed by Him that you are rich in Christ. You have been blessed beyond imagination.

Lesson 11 - The Excitement of Sharing Your Hope

May 19, 2024 • Russ Robins, Justin Spargo, Dru McLaughin • Titus 3:1–8, Titus 2:5–10

Now that you’re in God’s family, you have been given a tremendous opportunity to share the gospel with others you meet. These might be your spouse, children, parents, and extended family. There are friends in your life who are outside Christ. You may have business acquaintances or people at work who need to hear the good news. Potential prospects are everywhere!

The Experience and Wonder of Worship

May 12, 2024 • Russ Robins, Justin Spargo, Dru McLaughin • Isaiah 6:1–8, Luke 5:16–27

When we worship God, we should be able to see something spectacular—something beyond ourselves. We should leave filled with awe, mesmerized by God's life-giving, life-flowing power. We should be motivated to tell others about what we have experienced.

Lesson 9 - Spiritual Confidence

May 5, 2024 • Russ Robins, Dru McLaughin, Justin Spargo • 1 Corinthians 15:58

This lesson will focus specifically on confidence, an essential attribute of strong Christians. We will discuss the importance of trust, where to place it, and how to cultivate it. More importantly, we will explore how this confidence supports us throughout life, offering resilience and stability no matter our challenges. This is about acknowledging the necessity of confidence and understanding how it can be actively developed and maintained in our daily walk with Christ.