
Senior Sermon: Freddy Groff

April 16, 2023

When thinking about what to write for my sermon, I started reflecting on all the time I’ve spent at this wonderful church. It started off for me before I was even born. In my mother’s belly I was already working shifts in the treasures room during rummage. I grew up going to A Joyful Noise Preschool, and once I was finally old enough, I got involved in all that Kenilworth Union Church had to offer.

Sunday School, Youth Group, Christmas Pageants, earning my Third Grade Bible, Breakfast Club, working Rummage, Confirmation, IMPACT, choir, and much, much more. Under the wing of Lisa Bond, I learned so much about spreading the word of Christ through music in my 11 years in choir.

The purpose of me listing all these things I have done is not to flex my trophy room of church accolades, but rather to show how much the people of this church have been willing to give to me, and all of us youth here today. It truly is beautiful how everyone at this church steps up and contributes to Kenilworth Union, even Doogie who seems to always say hi to me when I have a cookie in my hand. These contributions and communal support also really helped me grow my faith in Christ. So much so that I have been able to start sharing my faith by being a High School Helper in Sunday School and helping in the past with Vacation Bible School. My faith does change from time to time. I doubt my faith, strengthen it, push it away. It’s a continuous rollercoaster relationship that I have with God. But I believe that’s a good thing.

In an ever-changing life, Kenilworth Union always seems to be that constant. Even when I go away for college (Go Frogs) for many months at a time, I know I will be greeted by this church community with open arms. And for that I want to say… Thank you.

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