
The Call of a Lifetime

Youth Sunday

April 16, 2023 • Squire Prince • Genesis 12:1–3

On this blessed Sunday, we turn our gaze to our youth, and God’s presence and provision in their life. We focus on how God is moving in their midst, and even still is calling them, as God called the patriarchs and prophets, the matriarchs and models of faith. That’s my key word for the day, Call! Our youth are our example of a faithful answer to God’s call. Many of our youth will pack their bags and answer the call to do ministry with some wonderful churches in Puerto Rico; many have answered the call to serve the church in different leadership and service roles; and yet still, many of our seniors will answer the call to embark on new journeys into unknown lands and places, stepping out on faith. This echoes the story of Abraham, at the time Abram, and his call from God. 

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