
God After... X: God After Gates, Jobs, and Skynet

God After...

July 28, 2024 • William A. Evertsberg • Romans 12:2, Romans 12:9–17

But four of them are more inventors than discoverers; they’re technicians who built new things that changed our world: Gutenberg with the printing press, Bill Gates with Windows, and Steve Jobs with the iPhone. Jennifer Doudna won the Nobel prize by building the CRISPR process to edit human gene sequences. 


Famously Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are both college dropouts. Bill Gates came from money—his father was a prominent attorney, and his grandfather a bank president—Bill Gates came from money, but Steve Jobs had nothing. 


He was the illegitimate son of a Syrian Muslim immigrant. His biological grandfather would not let his biological mother marry his biological father because Steve’s father was Muslim, so baby Steve was given up for adoption. 


He resented authority and did very poorly in school. He was so much trouble as a kid that when he was two years old, his adoptive mother had second thoughts and considered giving him back. That would have been a colossal error.

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