
Discerning True Manifestations of the Holy Spirit

I Corinthians 12:1-7

September 30, 2023 • Tim Cain • 1 Corinthians 12:1–7

How can you tell if the Holy Spirit is present at a gathering or even in your own life? Are there certain spiritual gifts that prove the presence of the Spirit? Are there things that should cause us to wonder if he is present? In I Corinthians 12:1-7 Paul lays out some criteria for discerning a true manifestation of the Holy Spirit. He also lays out a few basic truths about the Spiritual gifts that he doesn’t want the Corinthians to be confused about. While there are still a lot of things that Paul has yet to explain in this message we will try and lay out a few of the things that Paul wants to make very clear about the gifts of the Spirit. 

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