
Only in Community

10-29-2017 - David Hwang

October 29, 2017 • David Hwang

Some Essential Characteristics to Build True Community :

1.Unconditional Acceptance
a.Whether you’re a rookie or an expert, there is no judgment, no shaming or discrimination
b.A various and diverse group of people

2.Unconditional Encouragement
a.Everyone cheers for you, cheers you on, no matter what
b.Everyone pushes you to do your best, calling you by name
c.No criticism- Though we might point out mistakes that you are making because the focus is NOT on what you can’t do, what you’re doing wrong, but what you’re doing better, right, and well

3.Serious Accountability
a.“Coaches”, or our church’s leadership, will surely push you to do more, and in particular, to live in full obedience to the fullness of God’s word. This is a given. That’s what they’re there for. It’s their job and it’s what you want and expect them to do
b.Teammates/ Your peers will text you if you miss a "workout." They too should and will hold you accountable to God’s word
c.And we will allow this to happen to us! We will embrace it because of points 1 and 2!

4.Not to mention that there are regular meetings with the same team, 5-6 days a week to prep for the games. And this is true for us too as the Church for as the Apostle Paul said, we are to run the race of faith as we would in a race to get the prize!

5.There is a clear, shared, and positive goal- to be in the best shape of your life and to do well in the games. And again, in the case of our faith, to grow to be like Jesus as much as you can and to run well the race marked out for you. To really live to love others as Christ loved you that they may see Christ in you.

6.There is a shared investment in suffering and vulnerability. That we will come together in rawness and vulnerability to create then the needed reality in which we can actually help each other and carry each others’ burdens

7.There is Transformation
a.Personal transformation to be more like Christ, which will then affect the whole of our being. This will give us a greater sense of personal awareness, a change of mood, confidence, vitality, etc.. for the better
b.Social transformation. As we live to love others, the society around us should and will be impacted towards greater love, care, truth, and freedom

8.Not a theory but an Experience. Being the Church is something to be shown, done, experienced, and not just talked about/ As Jesus said "Come," he replied, “and you will see.”

9.This is not just about the time at church, but your life outside the church

10.And as a result of all this, the people involved will stay very much committed to Christ, His words and His promises, because of the synergistic power produced in the authentic community that has been built through the characteristics just mentioned. And in such, Christians will be very joyfully open and active to recruit as many others as they can to what they found as both good and true!