
39: Digging Deeper - Extending Restoration to Others

November 15, 2021 • Barrett Bowden • 2 Samuel 18—21

In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about extending restoration to others. As followers of Jesus, we are people of restoration. Our hope is built upon the person of a Restorer - Jesus Christ. As people who know his restoration personally, we should - above all people - be about the work of extending His restoration to others. Above all people, we should live with a heart of deep desire to see others restored. And above all people, we should live with a life committed to help other experience His restoration.

In this episode, we will be be overviewing a few chapters of the book of 2 Samuel - Chapters 19 through 21 - to look at how King David used his influence to extend restoration to others.

Together, we will discover five ways that David worked to extend restoration to the nation after a time of great brokenness, conflicted, sadness and trouble. We can learn from each of these steps that David took and consider how to grow in the work of extending restoration in our own lives.