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Big day! Place this on your calendar! Saturday,
🙏 🙏 December 14th, 2024 @ 10:30 AM
We'll meet you just inside the entrance at the top of the front stairs above the big bell.
2025 Dates for Prayer & Intercession Journeys on location at the Idaho Statehouse:
🙏 🙏 January 11th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 February 8th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 March 8th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 April 12th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 May 10th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 June 14th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 July 12th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 August 9th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 September 13th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 October 11th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 November 8th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
🙏 🙏 December 13th, 2025 @ 10:30 AM
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When beginning spiritual assignment at the start of your Idaho Statehouse prayer journey.
Proclamations & Invitations (hospitality) to the Holy Spirit’s Anointing:
Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and the Son, we, the collective body of Blood-bought believers, passionately desire Your anointing in these now moments.
We submit unto the One True Elohim (God) and Father of Yeshua Messiah, the Son of the living God.
YeHoVaH, our Elohim (God), is ONE, and we will love YeHoVaH with all our hearts, our souls, our minds, and strength.
We do not submit to any other gods, nor do we bow to any idols.
All of the altars of the wicked, we overrule with our voices that command the will of YeHoVaH to be done.
By the voice of Messiah’s Blood Sacrifice, our pure and holy justice, we halt and silence every transmission, any transference, any conveyances, all radiation, and all emissions of evil proclamations using any frequencies known or unknown.
Every portal to our lives is now useless to the kingdom of darkness, the evil watchers, and the evil principal spirits who come to steal, kill, and destroy. Messiah has permanently given us His superabundance of Life.
Holy Spirit, we are prepared to be guided by You in this Building that respectfully represents to us the social government of the people of the State of Idaho. We are now being led by You, Holy Spirit.
Where we walk, Holy Spirit is with us and gracefully leads us.
What we say, Holy Spirit is inspiring our words from the depths of our hearts where His Throne resides.
Holy Spirit, with You we captivate every thought of our minds and hearts and cleanse them with the obedience of Christ/Messiah.
For it is written, “The steps of a good man are ordered by YeHoVaH, and He delights in his way.”#_ftn1
“Trust in YeHoVaH with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”#_ftn2
“He keeps the feet of His godly ones, but the wicked ones are silenced in darkness; for not by might shall a man prevail.”#_ftn3
We now proceed in the Holy One’s surrounding Presence
by the Blood of the Son of God – Yeshua Messiah.
#_ftnref1 Psalms 37:23 (NKJV)
#_ftnref2 Proverbs 3:5-6 (NASB)
#_ftnref3 1 Samuel 2:9 (NASB)
Shofar At The Idaho Statehouse Rotunda
August 10, 2024
Sound up!
Feel the thrill of victory!
Treasury of the State of Idaho
December 13, 2024
The Treasury of the State of Idaho
The State Treasurer’s Office: Julie Ellsworth, Treasurer
Elohim, Creator of all that exists and loving Father, You are our One true Elohim/God. You have given your children Your glorious name, YeHoVaH. For it is written,
“The name YeHoVaH is a strong tower. The righteous runs into it and is safe.” - Proverbs 18:10
We, Your children, Your Ekklesia/Government representation upon the Eretz/Land of the State of Idaho run into the strong tower of Your name in order to be safe from any harm of the evil spirits of lusts and the appetites of greed.
It is written, “may it be well with you and that you may multiply greatly, just as YeHoVaH, Elohim of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.”
For it is further written, “Hear, O Israel/Idaho! YeHoVaH is our Elohim/God; YeHoVaH is one! You shall love YeHoVaH your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Our hearts of love are completely and solely Yours, YeHoVaH!
We, Your Ekklesia of the rich lands of the State of Idaho, will stand against the spirits of wickedness that thwart the progress of blessings unto the people and the businesses of the State of Idaho.
It is written of Your servant David, who declared unto the Nephilim giant, Goliath, “You come against me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name YeHoVaH of hosts... whom you have taunted. This day, YeHoVaH will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you... that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel/Idaho!”
This Treasury of the State of Idaho is the accounting and policing place of the government finances.
The history of the lands of Idaho shows us a “Super-Greed” that targeted the grounds of riches and bounty. Individuals, businesses, and then corporations, unto government supremacies, began to assault the land of Idaho because of its treasures. All of these established hypocritical behaviors, both positioning and reporting to the people of the State of Idaho.
“Super-Greed” brought in bloodlust, and the ground has received the blood of innocent people groups because of wanton lusts for personal riches.
We, the Ekklesia of Messiah Yeshua, are now beginning to apologize to the land for the defilements that have taken place. We will stand as Your servant David stood against Goliath. We will see prosperity amongst the people of this State like never before.
The strong right hand of YeHoVaH’s justice is upon the wicked who work their “Super-Greed” manipulations of self-centered, self-righteous acts which benefit themselves and rob the abundant life from the people of the State of Idaho. Holy hosts of angels are unrestrained and unrestricted from administering the Father’s righteous judgment now proclaimed by this unified Ekklesia.
May the Holy Spirit’s righteousness be present in the life and work of Treasurer Julie Ellsworth. May there be signs of the Presence of YeHoVaH in the Treasurer’s offices and meeting places and the lives of all those who navigate through the projects of financial accountabilities of the government of the State of Idaho.
The Treasurer’s Office and the Treasury of the State of Idaho, with the resources of heaven, will cause the State government to be accountable to the will of God in heaven – the pure and holy Justice – for the sake of prosperity for the people of the State of Idaho.
So, “Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God. On earth as it is in heaven!”
Amen & Amen!
The Regions of the State of Idaho
November 12, 2023 • Wayne & Stephanie Anderson • Psalm 115:16
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This is the prayer for all of the people of the State of Idaho and all of its regions. This is now usually prayed in the center of the Statehouse from the floor level of your choice.
The Regions of the State of Idaho:
For the sake of the people of all the regions of the State of Idaho, we endeavor to pray/proclaim in the manner in which we have been taught by the word of our savior, Yehoshua Messiah.
Matthew 6:9-13 {Author’s translation}
“Father of us,”
We establish our heritage and Who our Father is. As Your children we call upon you, our Father.
“Who is in the heavens,”
We proclaim You present in all heavenly realms. Your authority permeates the heavens and the quantum mechanics about us as well as the physical here in the State of Idaho. Father, You are superior to all others here in Idaho.
“Your name is set/established here as holy.”
Father, You have given us Your powerful and magnificent Name, YeHoVaH!
YeHoVaH is all authority upon us in the State of Idaho. YeHoVaH gives pure justice to the people of Idaho, and YeHoVaH is giving justice to the world in this now moment and that justice will carry us through into our future and eternity. How powerful is YeHoVaH, Who is the One Who was-Who IS and Who IS to come!
“Come! Kingdom of You.”
YeHoVaH! Be manifest! The very substance of YeHoVaH’s rule and reign is in the midst of every aspect of life here from this Statehouse to the far reaches of every region in the State of Idaho.
“Let be done! The will of You.”
The will, passions, and dreams of YeHoVaH, Our Father, are formed and accomplished here and now.
“As in heaven - also on the earth!”
The veil between the heavenly throne of YeHoVaH and the earth is penetrated, and the Kingdom and Will of the Most High are now existent and manifested in and from this Statehouse unto all of the regions of the State of Idaho.
“The bread of us daily (idiom about the manna of the wilderness) give unto us today.”
Every day - this very day - providence comes from One source to the people of the State of Idaho – the holy Father! YeHoVaH is our Provider, and no one else will be able to say that they have given unto us!
“Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive the debtors of ours.”
As YeHoVaH’s children, we have been given the power and authority to forgive sins and to forget the sins of those who have sinned against us. Therefore, we take those sins of individuals and corporate bodies of people, and in the words of Yeshua we also, say, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.”
“And lead us not into temptation,”
YeHoVaH! He is our Leader! All that we have and all that we are belongs to our Leader, YeHoVaH! And our steps are ordered by You, Yehovah! So, we totally yield to YeHoVaH’s will and His ways. There is, therefore, no temptations that we will face by the leadership of YeHoVaH. He is our Almighty One.
“but deliver us from the evil.”
YeHoVaH, just as You led the Israelites out from the slavery of Egypt, You will rescue us from the oppressor in the same way! Therefore, our inheritance is in YeHoVaH and Him alone. He has taken us out of the bondages of the world and thus, we will follow His Presence, and we will remain within His Presence, and we are liberated by the Almighty One.
“Because of You is the kingdom and the power and the glory to all the ages (ions).”
If it were not for You, Oh, YeHoVaH!
I can see Your rule and Your regal reign operating right there in the State of Idaho-in all its regions.
I can see Your power changing every physical circumstance.
I can see your eternal reign with all its weightiness in the here and now!
Majestic Father of lights, You give to Your children the good earth of the State of Idaho.
For it is written, “The heavens are the heavens of YeHoVaH, But the earth He has given to the sons of men.” {Psalms 115:16}
From the earth, there are cries for justice because of the defilements of the land with bloodshed, broken covenant, idolatry, and immorality.
Justice will now prevail!
Greed and the driving force of the lusts of men and women have caused atrocities in blatant disregard of the Kingdom of God.
Justice will now prevail!
Many decades ago, the native Indians of Idaho were stolen from, abused, murdered, enslaved, and mistreated. The Chinese people and people groups of other nations were deplorably treated and given no hospitality. Their innocent blood was spilled, and they have been immorally handled. Genocide of Chinese communities and native Indian tribes took place with Government approval.
Biblical defilements of the land in the State of Idaho have taken place with bloodshed, broken covenants, idolatry, and immorality.
Justice will now prevail!
The many tribes and peoples that have been so abused by the idolatry of greed were given no justice. Treaties and covenants were broken to satisfy greedy lust, which has defiled the lands of the State of Idaho.
Justice will now prevail!
The evil “Political Spirit” has now targeted the State of Idaho in order to change the State’s political stance.
Without the intervention of the Kingdom of Messiah and the Ekklesia government of Yeshua Messiah/Christ, these evil political principal spirits will succeed in changing Idaho’s government of the people by the people and for the people to a communistic blue state and the incarcerating taxations and governmental false authoritative controls of the people.
We, the Ekklesia government of Yeshua Messiah/Christ, intervene. Our justice is from the highest heaven, and every ruling spirit of the kingdom of darkness must bow down to the edicts of Yeshua Messiah/Christ, decreed by the Ekklesia government within His Name.
Justice will now prevail!
As the Ekklesia Government of Yeshua Messiah/Christ, we unite our hearts with the Great Heart of the Son of Love and give answer to the greedy with proliferated poverty. The plans of progressivism groups empowered by the wicked ancient spirits – powers and principalities – will disintegrate. Battles will arise from within their cooperatives and syndicates that will destroy all of the progress that they have made in the State of Idaho.
Curses of the conjurers are meaningless, with no target to be found. Satanism and sorcery is weakened and is becoming an object of ridicule.
Justice will now prevail!
We annunciate Mercy to the humble and those who cry out to YeHoVaH with a modest and submissive heart.
This now time will produce repentance as the light of Kingdom of Yeshua’s Righteousness reveals all defilements. We declare justice for the regions and the lands of Idaho and mercy that comes from the Merciful One!
The blood-bought believers of this Ekklesia nullify any false authority over the lands and the counties of Idaho that the servants of evil spirits have usurped from the Creator. The land will respond to those who love, honor, and worship YeHoVaH, and the infrastructure built on the land of Idaho by the servants of evil political-immoral-greed is falling down harder than the walls of Jericho before the children of Israel.
Justice will now prevail!
Our Redeemer is presently redeeming people in the State of Idaho in this era and strengthening them for the purpose of justice.
The Holy Spirit of the Son of God – Yeshua Messiah/Christ – is increasing here in the State of Idaho. The miracle ministry of Messiah is breaking forth.
The angels of YeHoVaH are moving freely without hindrances and bringing the people into dreams and visions of the One New Man, their only salvation. Blessed are You, Oh YeHoVaH, for Your Kingdom causes salvation to flourish.
People of God arise! Blow the shofar of war, of return, and of celebration! Raise the banners to gather the people from the four corners of the State of Idaho to assemble with one heart.
The wind of the Spirit is bringing forth an overwhelming desire in the people of Idaho to assemble together, to invoke the Presence – the Holy Presence of Yeshua Messiah/Christ, to call upon Your name for their salvation.
Blessed are you, O Creator our Deliverer, who brings the hearts of the people together as one. Yeshua Messiah/Christ shall forever be treasured in these regions - in these lands.
Amen Amen!
Lincoln Auditorium at the Idaho Statehouse
December 9, 2024 • Wayne & Stephanie Anderson • Psalm 115:16
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An Ecclesia Decree of Faith From the Statehouse of the State of Idaho
This is the prayer for all of the people of the State of Idaho from the Lincoln Auditorium.
This is now usually prayed in the hallway outside the auditorium or in the auditorium if it happens to be open.
Magnificent Father, it is through the eternal life-giving Blood of the Son that we worship You and magnify Your eternal greatness. You are YeHoVaH, the only true Elohim, and there are no other elohim before you. It is our heavenly Father's majestic and stately presence by the Holy Spirit that we live and move and have our being in the Son, Yeshua Messiah/Christ.
Your name is the fear of the nations, for it is holy in the heavens amongst the council and heavenly beings as well as upon the earth amongst mankind and all of creation.
You are the grand, glorious, and splendorous King of all kings and Lord of all lords, and through the Blood of the Prince of Shalom, we, Your Ekklesia, declare your Kingdom is prominent and preeminent in this collective body of Blood-bought believers, and we declare Your preeminent authority over and upon the State of Idaho as well as all that is done in the Statehouse of the State of Idaho. The changed minds, thoughts, and imaginings of every legislator and state official are accomplishing the will of the Father’s love.
Oh, YeHoVaH Elohim Elyon, as in the days of President Abraham Lincoln, “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.” Yet the now battlefields are the political statehouses of this nation and the “democratic republic” that our founding fathers constructed is at stake, once again.
We decree justice as it is in heaven. Your will be done right here in this statehouse as it is in the heavens. Your council is supreme in this statehouse, and the wickedness of greed, lust, and wanton appetites are not only revealed but are dealt with justice upon those of discrepant political behaviors.
It is written, “The heavens are the heavens of YeHoVaH, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” {Psalms 115:16}
Blessed be YeHoVaH Elohim, Who has created all things - the heavens and the earth! Blessed is YeHoVaH, our Savior Yehoshua Messiah/Christ, Who has given us the State of Idaho as our homeland and our inheritance to steward. Blessed be the majestic One Who has promised the land (eretz) of Idaho and the United States of America to us as our residency of abundant Shalom.
It is written, “Lo, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of YeHoVaH. He shall reconcile parents with children and children with their parents so that, when I come, I do not strike the whole land with utter destruction. Lo, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of YeHoVaH.” {Malachi 3:23-24 Hebrew Tanakh}
The spirit of Elijah is upon the children of God the Father to decree the restoration of the hearts of the fathers to the children in the State of Idaho and the United States of America in this era, this age, this time. We, therefore, decree the healing virtue of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Adoption, to be as a balm in the hearts of the fathers and the sons and daughters of this State of Idaho so that their journey is paved with the love of the Father of lights. Let shalom - peace and prosperity in the Presence of YeHoVaH be the sustenance for all of the people of this land.
Let the testimony of our inheritance through the Blood of Christ/Messiah the Son be the voice of justice that reveals all chicanery, greedy acts of lust, and secret agendas that are unrighteous and not in the best interests of the beloved people of the State of Idaho. It is written, “Arise, YeHoVaH, in Your anger; lift up Yourself against the rage of my adversaries and arouse Yourself for me; You have appointed judgment. Let the assembly of the peoples encompass You, and over them return on high.” {Psalm 7:6-7}
The hand of the righteous Father’s justice is upon the unjust who work their self-centered, self-righteous deeds that benefit themselves and rob the abundant life from the people of the State of Idaho. Holy angels are unrestrained and unrestricted from administering the Father’s righteous judgment now proclaimed by this unified Ekklesia.
In the history of Abraham Lincoln it is said that as the President of the United States of America and commander in chief of the Union forces, he proclaimed a day of prayer based on the holy scripture of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If My people, on whom My name is called, shall be humbled, and shall pray, and shall seek My face, and shall turn back from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
YeHoVaH, This unified Ekklesia is a people that has had Your magnificent name called upon each one – we are Your people. Being humbled by the constant battering of the forces of evil against us and against our State of Idaho, we turn from the manipulations and controls of the idols that the world has forced into our lives. We are not ashamed of the gospel, and we will portray in it all that we do that our whole heart is actively loving and worshipping Yahovah (Yod-Hay-Vav-Hay), for He is our One and only Elohim (God), YeHoVaH is One! We love YeHoVaH, our Elohim, with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
By our love, we know that YeHoVaH is healing our land – the lands of the State of Idaho.
We declare that the Kingdom of Elohim now comes, and the will of Elohim’s love is being accomplished in the Statehouse and the work here that reaches the far northern border, the western border, the eastern border, and unto the southern border of the State of Idaho. We – this unified body of the Ekklesia of the Son of Elohim – release the word of a paradigm shift taking place in this now moment. The power of the Holy Spirit is now changing the lands of Idaho and causing the land of our inheritance to begin to prosper like never in its history.
EE-Dah-HO - Idaho - The glory, the shining, the splendor of the land is but a type and shadow of the glory of the Holy One in His dwelling place. So, let the Presence dwell strong in Idaho.
Now, from here, this house of the State of Idaho, we pray for the Shalom of Jerusalem, the city of the great King! We declare the Shalom that can only come from the regal Presence of the Prince of Shalom - let Messiah rule and reign in Jerusalem. Let our love reach all the way from the State of Idaho to the Kotel - the Western Wall of passionate prayer, in Jerusalem, Israel.
The Great Amen is decreed by His Ecclesia!
Idaho House of Representatives Chamber
November 28, 2023 • Wayne & Stephanie Anderson
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This is the prayer concerning the House of Representatives for the State of Idaho. This is now usually prayed near the doorway to the House Chambers or in the Chambers if the doors are open.
The House of Representatives of the State of Idaho
Heavenly Father, Your holy Name, YeHoVaH, is established here.
The eternal voice and force of Your Ekklesia that You are building upon Your Rock speaks the virtue of the cleansing power of the Blood of Yeshua (Jesus) into this council body that legislates for the people and not against the people of the State of Idaho.
The only wise God ordains into this body of the legislature of the State of Idaho the Messiah’s anointing to heal the lands and the people that this legislature represents.
The scrolls of heaven and earth are open, and they speak: “Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Yeshua Messiah/Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages past, but now is manifested, and by the scrolls of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal Elohim (God), has been made known to all the nations, leading to obedience of faith; to the only wise Elohim (God), through Yeshua Messiah/Christ, be the glory forever. Amen.” {Romans 16:25-27}
Let the angels of the Kingdom of Elohim (God) – the only wise God – be free from any and all restrictions or restraints, and let them perform the word of Elohim (God) into the offices and lives of each legislator in the House of Representatives, being permitted to work holy miracles in the company and meetings of this governing body. For it is written, “Bless YeHoVaH, you His angels, Mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word! Bless YeHoVaH, all you His hosts, you who serve Him, doing His will.” {Psalms 103:20-21}
We speak fervency unto the men & women of this legislature of the State of Idaho with Kingdom knowledge untainted by the world so that they might protect the freedom of the people of the State of Idaho and its lands. We speak humility unto these mortals so that they might search out, learn, and understand the ways of YeHoVaH.
Favor upon them and the people they represent with the knowledge and Kingdom of Messiah wisdom.
Blessed is YeHoVaH, the gracious giver of knowledge and wisdom.
Because Your light shines forth from Your word as Neos Covenant life, I decree that this legislature will legislate with the wisdom of the Father of lights and will operate with insight into the multitude of issues where laws of the State of Idaho will be written and re-written.
For the preeminent Law of the Kingdom of Heaven - the Law of the Spirit of life in Messiah Yeshua - invades the natural of the State of Idaho’s society. In the Law of the Spirit of life in Messiah/Christ Yeshua, it is written, “Say to wisdom, ‘You are my sister,’ and call insight your intimate friend” {Proverbs 7:4}
Thus, as the shofar – the Ram’s Horn - is sounded in the rotunda, there is a supernatural call to order: “We the People” will be heard! The corrupt, deceiving, and defrauding representatives will be revealed and become the political enemies of the people of the State of Idaho and removed from the government.
Amen & Amen
Idaho Senate Chamber
November 18, 2024 • Wayne & Stephanie Anderson • Psalm 7:6–7
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The Senate of the State of Idaho is historically the most problematic legislative arena when speaking of righteous legislation and true Godly justice. This is where most of our troubles start. But it is also where we can see those troubles end by decreeing the destruction of the veils of chicanery {the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose} that have prevailed for over a century.
This is the prayer concerning the Senate for the State of Idaho. This is now usually prayed near the doorway to the Senate Chambers or in the Chambers if the doors are open.
The Idaho Senate Chambers:
“Love uprightness, you who judge the land, think of YeHoVaH with goodness, seek Him with sincerity of heart, for He is found by those who do not try Him and is manifested to those who do not disbelieve him.
For crooked reasonings separate from Elohim (God), and when His power is tested, it exposes fools. For wisdom cannot enter a deceitful soul or live in a body in debt to sin. The Holy Spirit of instruction will flee from deceit and will rise and leave at unwise reasoning and be put to confusion at the approach of wrong. For wisdom is a kindly Spirit.” {The Wisdom of Solomon from the Apocrypha}
With Ekklesia delight, we proclaim God’s mercy upon the families, the parents, and the children in the State of Idaho.
In this Idaho State Senate Chamber, along with every office and meeting place that influences the activities and legislations of this Senate, we declare a complete halt to any corruption for lust and greed that works among the Senators of the State of Idaho.
We call into existence the righteous thoughts, voices, and deeds among all the Senators and those who work in the Senate in any and every capacity.
Oh, YeHoVaH of Hosts, this unified Ekklesia blesses the name that is above every name! We proclaim that the name Yeshua Messiah will be held in the highest value and esteem in this Idaho State Senate legislature of the people of the State of Idaho.
The Ekklesia of the Son of God sends forth the voice of the Blood of Yeshua Messiah to purify the land and the bruises of Messiah to eliminate curses brought on by sin and hatred of the One True Elohim (God). We acknowledge that the “keys of David” have come to our shoulders so that we can unlock the very riches of the soil of the land without hesitation, restriction, or restraint.
YaHoVaH, You are “the only wise Elohim (God)!” We now bless this Senate Chamber with Your superior wisdom in order that the legislations will come forth from purified hearts that have had the refining fire of Your Holy Spirit applied. Let there be nothing but pure and holy justice.
Let every voice of evil be silenced in this chamber, every corrupt, narcissistic voice of special interests that are not in the best interests of the families of the people of the State of Idaho be made null and void and the curse of intent return to its place and persons of origin.
Let there be praises heard from this place to the far reaches of the State of Idaho.
The scrolls of heaven and earth are open, and they speak: “Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Yeshua Messiah/Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages past, but now is manifested, and by the scrolls of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal Elohim (God), has been made known to all the nations, leading to obedience of faith; to the only wise Elohim (God), through Yeshua Messiah/Christ, be the glory forever. Amen.” {Romans 16:25-27}
Let the angels of the Kingdom of YeHoVaH – the only wise Elohim (God) – be free from any and all restrictions or restraints, and let them perform the word of Elohim (God) into the lives of each legislator in the Idaho State Senate.
We speak favor to the men & women of this Senate legislature of the State of Idaho with Kingdom knowledge untainted by the world so that they might genuinely serve the families of the State of Idaho.
Amen Amen!
Idaho Governor's Office
November 28, 2023 • Wayne & Stephanie Anderson • Psalm 146:10
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This is the prayer at the Governor's Office. There is usually a wooden bench to sit on across the hall from the Office Of The Governor, which makes a good place to decree while viewing the door to the Governor’s Office.
The Governor’s Office:
Heavenly Father, it is through the shed Blood of the Messiah/Christ Yeshua that we worship You and seek Your Presence in this place. Blessed is Your name, YeHoVaH, here in this place as You are the Master of all creation and the One true King of all kings and Lord of all lords.
We, Your Ekklesia, draw upon Your Spirit as we declare Your Will to be done in that Office of the Governor of the State of Idaho so that effects of pure and holy justice manifest throughout the entire state.
The Governor of the State of Idaho is not a king over the people but a servant of protection, justice, security, healing, prosperity, and celebration of life. We place this Governor under the Kingdom of Heaven’s expectation of unmanipulated truth and honesty.
We draw upon Your Kingdom glory to manifest in the office of the Governor so that the political spirit and deal-making for personal interest advantages will be halted immediately and the will of God be pronounced by the Governor and his representatives.
We declare the secrets of dishonorable works that side with agendas against human life and family and the prosperity and peace/shalom of the State of Idaho be brought out into the light and made publicly known.
We declare an amplification to the voices of the conservative people of Idaho via social media and platforms of information that will get to the voters of the State of Idaho the message of dishonorable legislative governmental behaviors.
We sanctify Your name, Oh YaHoVaH, in this State House, this Legislature of the State of Idaho, from this Office of the Governor to every department of operations in the government of the State, just as it is sanctified in Your Heavenly Court. We proclaim that the voices of every God-hating spirit in this Statehouse will be silenced from this Office of the Governor. Our declarative voices speak of the Blood of Yeshua the Christ/Messiah, the Lamb of Holy Sacrifice, upon every portal to the Governor’s Office, his life, his home, and his family.
For it is written by the prophets: “And they call out to one another and say: ‘Holy, holy, holy is YaHoVaH of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.’” {Isaiah 6:3}
“Blessed be the Presence of YaHoVaH in his place.” {Ezekiel 3:12}
It is written, “YaHoVaH reigns forever, Your Elohim/Creator, Oh Zion (Idaho), throughout all generations. Hallelujah.” {Psalm 146:10}
Praise to YaHoVaH, whose pure justice is overwhelming the agents, agencies, and legislators of the government to the State of Idaho and riding the shackles that dirty politics has been placed upon the businesses and the people.
Blessed are You, Oh YaHoVaH of the heavenly warriors, the holy Elohim/Creator. You are holy, and Your name is holy, and holy beings praise You daily.
Blessed are You, Yeshua Messiah, Son of the living God and Creator of all that exists.
Amen & Amen!
Governor Brad Little
Idaho Attorney General's Office
November 17, 2024 • Wayne & Stephanie Anderson
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The Attorney General’s Office: Raúl Labrador
Father in the heavens and Creator of all that exists, we, the believers representing the Ekklesia – government of Yeshua Messiah, which is forever increasing in power, authority, and magnitude, declare that your rule and reign come unto Idaho in the powerful paradigm shift.
The infrastructure of the government of the Christ/Messiah – the Son of God is foundationally established on pure and holy Justice.
This pure Justice is without manipulations of greed, lustful appetites, or evil agendas of human beings.
Because the Attorney General of the State is a pivotal office of protection of pure and holy Justice for the people of the entire State of Idaho, this office is a touch point for the righteousness of the heavenly council to enter the will of God as heavenly fortification for the people. Righteous justice must prevail over all political agendas.
We speak Grace through the Blood of Yeshua Messiah/Christ to the social justice of government law, and the Justice systems that are to uphold the law, and we declare the Kingdom of God is manifesting and the will of the Holy Spirit is being revealed by the law of righteousness of the council of heaven.
We speak accountability to Yeshua Messiah into the life, heart, soul, and mind of Raúl Labrador, whose tenure began on January 2, 2023.
Since Raúl means “help, advice, counsel, a decision,” we declare unhindered works of the angels of YaHoVaH in the works of the Attorney General, Raúl Labrador, and we voice the protections upon him, his family, and his body so that he might stand up to the forces of evil that he is anointed to have victory over.
As the Ekklesia of Yeshua Messiah/Christ, we proclaim the Justice of the Holy Spirit, Who convicts the world of its sins and shows us what is to come.
The Attorney General’s Office, with the resources of heaven, will cause the State government to be legally accountable to the will of God in heaven – the pure and holy Justice – for the people of the State of Idaho.
So, “Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God. On earth as it is in heaven!”
Amen & Amen!
When Ending the Spiritual Journey
November 28, 2023 • Wayne & Stephanie Anderson
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As you leave the Statehouse:
It is written, “And to the angel of the Ekklesia in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts and no one shall open…”#_ftn1
As children of Yahweh, the living Lord, and our Creator, because we are covered by the Blood of the Son Who is Lord, we declare that every door of Blessing is to be opened this day over this land.
No man or evil agent can close it or shut it down. We close and seal tightly every door of evil by our faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ so that NO man NOR any evil spirit can open.
Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father, and the Son, we, the collective body of Blood-bought believers, brush off the dust of battle and the smoke of war.
Through the Blood-covered light, we render the enemy deaf, dumb, blind, and powerless on our behalf and on behalf of everything and everyone that touches our lives.
We decree that our images are erased from every occultic mirror, and we proclaim that all trailing and watching spirits of the kingdom of darkness are cut off and confused by the Name of Jesus Christ, the glorious One which we proclaim.
By the power of the Blood of Jesus’ sacrifice, we silence the voices of any and all human spirits operating with the arts of sorcery and the crafts of evil spirits.
Our words - as the Ekklesia of Jesus Christ - annihilate the workings of every evil spirit that comes forth with their wickedness against us from the dark places and the netherworld. The idol worship, the idol worshippers, and the altars of sacrifice that we have obliterated will forever remain eradicated and lifelessly destroyed.
We declare that our footsteps have been erased by the redeeming power of our Blood Covenant through the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Living Son.
We judge, condemn, and execute the mind viruses from the evil principal spirits that are demolishing the minds of humans upon the earth in this hour - the said mind viruses are dead to each of us, our families, and those in our faith community.
We proclaim the hedge of protection built of the Blood of Christ Jesus about our lives. We appropriate all of the benefits of our Blood Covenant with our Heavenly Father and His infinite forgiveness within us as all are sealed in the Blood of Jesus Christ.
#_ftnref1 Revelation 3:7 (NASB): “And to the angel of the Ecclesia in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens, and no one will shut, and who shuts, and no one opens…”
Isaiah 22:22 (NASB): “Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder; when he opens, no one will shut; when he shuts, no one will open.”