
Treasury of the State of Idaho

Your Ekklesia Journey at the State Capital

December 13, 2024

The Treasury of the State of Idaho

The State Treasurer’s Office: Julie Ellsworth, Treasurer



Elohim, Creator of all that exists and loving Father, You are our One true Elohim/God. You have given your children Your glorious name, YeHoVaH.  For it is written,

“The name YeHoVaH is a strong tower. The righteous runs into it and is safe.” - Proverbs 18:10

We, Your children, Your Ekklesia/Government representation upon the Eretz/Land of the State of Idaho run into the strong tower of Your name in order to be safe from any harm of the evil spirits of lusts and the appetites of greed.

It is written, “may it be well with you and that you may multiply greatly, just as YeHoVaH, Elohim of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.”

For it is further written, “Hear, O Israel/Idaho! YeHoVaH is our Elohim/God; YeHoVaH is one! You shall love YeHoVaH your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Our hearts of love are completely and solely Yours, YeHoVaH!

We, Your Ekklesia of the rich lands of the State of Idaho, will stand against the spirits of wickedness that thwart the progress of blessings unto the people and the businesses of the State of Idaho.

It is written of Your servant David, who declared unto the Nephilim giant, Goliath, “You come against me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name YeHoVaH of hosts... whom you have taunted. This day, YeHoVaH will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you... that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel/Idaho!”

This Treasury of the State of Idaho is the accounting and policing place of the government finances.

The history of the lands of Idaho shows us a “Super-Greed” that targeted the grounds of riches and bounty. Individuals, businesses, and then corporations, unto government supremacies, began to assault the land of Idaho because of its treasures. All of these established hypocritical behaviors, both positioning and reporting to the people of the State of Idaho.

“Super-Greed” brought in bloodlust, and the ground has received the blood of innocent people groups because of wanton lusts for personal riches.

We, the Ekklesia of Messiah Yeshua, are now beginning to apologize to the land for the defilements that have taken place. We will stand as Your servant David stood against Goliath. We will see prosperity amongst the people of this State like never before.

The strong right hand of YeHoVaH’s justice is upon the wicked who work their “Super-Greed” manipulations of self-centered, self-righteous acts which benefit themselves and rob the abundant life from the people of the State of Idaho. Holy hosts of angels are unrestrained and unrestricted from administering the Father’s righteous judgment now proclaimed by this unified Ekklesia.

May the Holy Spirit’s righteousness be present in the life and work of Treasurer Julie Ellsworth. May there be signs of the Presence of YeHoVaH in the Treasurer’s offices and meeting places and the lives of all those who navigate through the projects of financial accountabilities of the government of the State of Idaho.

The Treasurer’s Office and the Treasury of the State of Idaho, with the resources of heaven, will cause the State government to be accountable to the will of God in heaven – the pure and holy Justice – for the sake of prosperity for the people of the State of Idaho.

So, “Come Kingdom of God. Be done will of God. On earth as it is in heaven!”

Amen & Amen!
