
Lincoln Auditorium at the Idaho Statehouse

Your Ekklesia Journey at the State Capital

November 12, 2023 • Wayne and Stephanie Anderson • Psalm 115:16

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An Ecclesia Decree of Faith From the Statehouse of the State of Idaho

This is the prayer for all of the people of the State of Idaho from the Lincoln Auditorium.

This is now usually prayed in the hallway outside the auditorium or in the auditorium if it happens to be open.



Magnificent Father, it is through the eternal life giving Blood of the Son that I/we worship You and magnify Your eternal greatness. You are Yahovah, the only true God and there is no other gods before you. It is my heavenly Father's majestic and stately presence by the Holy Spirit that I live and move and have my being in the Son, Yeshua.

Your name is the fear of the nations for it is holy in the heavens amongst heavenly beings and upon the earth amongst mankind and all of creation. 

You are the grand, the glorious and splendorous King of all kings and Lord of all lords and through the Blood of the Prince of peace I declare your Kingdom is prominent and preeminent in all of the State of Idaho as well as all that is done in the Statehouse of the State of Idaho. The will of the Father’s love is being accomplished by the changed minds, thoughts and imaginings of every legislator and state official.

Oh Yahovah Elohim Elyon, as in the days of President Lincoln, "Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure." Yet the now battlefields are the political statehouses of this nation and the "democratic republic" that our founding fathers constructed is at stake, once again.

We decree justice as it is in heaven. Your will be done right here in this statehouse as it is in the heavens. Your council is supreme in this statehouse and the wickedness of greed, lust and wanton appetites are not only revealed but are dealt justice upon those of discrepant political behaviors.

It is written, “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” Psalms 115:16 (NASB)

Blessed be the Lord Elohim Who has created all things - the heavens and the earth! Blessed is Yahweh our Father Who has given us the State of Idaho as our homeland and our inheritance to steward. Blessed be the majestic One Who has promised the land (eretz) of the United States of America to us as our residency of abundant peace. 

It is written in Malachi 4:5-6 “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”

The spirit of Elijah is upon the children of God the Father to decree the restoration of the hearts of the fathers to the children in the State of Idaho and the United States of America in this era, this age, this time. We therefore decree the healing virtue of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Adoption to be as a balm in the hearts of the fathers and the sons and daughters of this State of Idaho so that their journey is paved with the love of the Father of lights. Let shalom - peace and prosperity in the Presence of Yahweh be the sustenance for all of the people of this land. 

Let the testimony of the Blood of Christ the Son be the voice of justice that reveals all chicanery, greedy acts of lust and secret agendas that are unrighteous and not in the best interests of the beloved people of the State of Idaho. It is written, "Arise, O Lord, in Your anger; lift up Yourself against the rage of my adversaries, and arouse Yourself for me; You have appointed judgment. Let the assembly of the peoples encompass You, and over them return on high.” Psalm 7:6-7 The hand of Your justice be upon the unjust who work their self-centered, self-righteous deeds that benefit themselves and rob the abundant life from the people of the State of Idaho.

It is because of You that the Kingdom comes and the will of Your love is being accomplished in the Statehouse and the work here that reaches the far northern border, the western boarder, the eastern boarder and unto the southern border of the State of Idaho. The power of the Holy Spirit is now changing the lands of Idaho and causing the land of our inheritance to begin to prosper like never in its history. 

EE-Dah-HO - Idaho - The glory, the shining, the splendor of the land is but a type and shadow of the glory of the Lord in His dwelling place. So, let the Presence dwell strong in Idaho. 

Now, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the city of the great King! We declare the peace that can only come from the regal Presence of the Prince of peace - let Messiah rule and reign in Jerusalem. Let our love reach all the way from the State of Idaho to the Kotel - the Western Wall of passionate prayer, in Jerusalem, Israel.

The Great Amen is decreed by His Ecclesia!