
Idaho Senate Chamber

Your Ekklesia Journey at the State Capital

November 28, 2023 • Wayne and Stephanie Anderson • Psalm 7:6–7

For the Prayer, Please Click "MORE"

The Senate of the State of Idaho is historically the most problematic legislative arena when speaking of righteous legislation and true Godly justice. This is where most of our troubles start. But it is also where we can see those troubles end by decreeing the destruction of the veils of chicanery {the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose} that have prevailed for over a century.

This is the prayer concerning the Senate for the State of Idaho. This is now usually prayed near the doorway to the Senate Chambers or in the Chambers if the doors are open.


The Idaho Senate Chambers:


“Love uprightness, you who judge the land, think of the Lord with goodness, seek him with sincerity of heart, for he is found by those who do not try him and is manifested to those who do not disbelieve him.

For crooked reasonings separate from God, and when His power is tested, it exposes fools. For wisdom cannot enter a deceitful soul or live in a body in debt to sin. The Holy Spirit of instruction will flee from deceit and will rise and leave at unwise reasoning and be put to confusion at the approach of wrong. For wisdom is a kindly Spirit.” {The Wisdom of Solomon from the Apocrypha}

With Ekklesia delight, we proclaim God’s mercy upon the children in Idaho.

In this Senate Chamber, along with every office and meeting place that influences the activities and legislations of this Senate, we declare a complete halt to any corruption for lust and greed that works among the Senators of the State of Idaho.

We call into existence the righteous thoughts, voices, and deeds among all the Senators and those who work in the Senate in any and every capacity.

Oh, Lord of Hosts, this unified Ekklesia blesses the name that is above every name! We proclaim that the name of Jesus Christ will be held in the highest value and esteem in this Senate legislature of the people of the State of Idaho.

The Ekklesia of the Son of God sends forth the voice of the Blood of Jesus Christ to purify the land and the bruises of Christ to eliminate curses brought on by sin and hatred of the One True God. We acknowledge that the “keys of David” have come to our shoulders so that we can unlock the very riches of the soil of the land without hesitation, restriction, or restraint.

Yahovah, You are “the only wise God!” We now bless this Senate Chamber with Your superior wisdom in order that the legislations will come forth from purified hearts that have had the refining fire of Your Holy Spirit applied. Let every voice of evil be silenced in this chamber and let there be praises heard from this place to the far reaches of the State of Idaho.

The scrolls of heaven and earth are open, and they speak: “Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages past, but now is manifested, and by the scrolls of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, has been made known to all the nations, leading to obedience of faith; to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever. Amen.” {Romans 16:25-27}


Let the angels of the Kingdom of God – the only wise God – be free from any and all restrictions or restraints, and let them perform the word of God into the lives of each legislator in the Idaho State Senate.

We speak favor to the men & women of this Senate legislature of the State of Idaho with Kingdom knowledge untainted by the world.

Amen Amen!
