
Miracle Hour Testimonies 12/27/22

More Multiple Miracles

December 27, 2022 • Proverbs 16:24

This is text from the live broadcast. I am the host everyone else is watching and texting on the chat thread.

From Jonita Terrell. In the High Desert in California 

Hi Kevin! Have been having quite a bit of trouble with nerve pain in arms and legs.

She said the pain right now is 7

Now a couple minutes later it’s a “4”

From Donelda Lea in the prayer of agreement:

Down to 4 but there is more.lol

From Jonita: Your catching Kevin's rhythm. LOL

From Jonita a few minutes later 

The pain is down to a faint 1.

Some minutes later;

Jonita: Feeling awesome praise God! 

While we were praying for Daniel in the Yale Hospital Radiology Dept. Rosanne K Nadeau put the Live Broadcast on speaker for the whole room to hear. This is a live account from the broadcast thread of what ensued.

God was having fun.

From Rosanne Nadeau in Ct

Dnaiel in yale hospital having ultrasound groin pain

Happened to be putting on Facebook and saw this

Rosanne is feeling the intercession “Wow” 

From Rosanne:

I have your Fb live out loud in yale radiology area there are many people in beds waiting

From Rosanne :

This woman is stirring in her bed


The people in 3 beds are waking !!!

From Laurie Diener on the thread:

Yes for those in the radiology room. Heeling now!

From Jonita Terrell on the thread: 

Healing for all those people in the waiting room!!!!

From Tom Hill on the thread:

More fire!!!!!

From me speaking live (as well as I can remember something to this effect) I have faith a declare that this is expanding …..

Together folks we have a Holy Spirit move right here. Now let’s release and agree for a heavenly fire To touch all in this hospital area .A Holy Ghost explosion !!!

From Peggy Martin:


From Rosanne K Nardeau:

People waiting for tests one guy his feet were moving another he put both his arms in the air.

From Tom Hill:

Amen, yes!, Holy Fire increases!!!

From Rosanne:

Daniel just came out of ultrasound he said no pain no nothing at the ultrasound !!!!

He said he was almost sleeping !!!

Me: Praise God !!!🔥🔥🔥

From Rosanne:

Again Daniel said no pain during ultrasound test in the groin area.

He said He is shocked !!!

Rosanne :

What a night !!!

Allen Osborne :

Way cool God alert in America !

Peggy Martin :

One guy raised up Hi arms (in a bed in the waiting room) my addition !!!