
How to Fail—in Four Simple Lessons

Message 8

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Would you like to have the upper hand against life's failures?

Of course, some failures lie outside of our control, but we can avoid many shipwrecks by heeding warnings and walking in faith. When the Israelite spies scoped out God's promised land, most of them saw only obstacles and let fear steer them into unbelief.

Discover along with Chuck Swindoll the additional Israelite setbacks that occurred after they left Mount Sinai. Learn lessons for the life of faith so you can act with courage and develop character.

A New Beginning—Worth Waiting For

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Do you make it a habit to remember what it was like when you first became a Christian? In this message, Chuck Swindoll embarks with the Israelites from Egypt who were ready to enjoy their newfound freedom to worship God their Redeemer. God does not confine His redeeming work to ancient days but continues it into our present. Today, God frees us from something more dangerous than an angry Egyptian pharaoh—He frees us from our self-destructive habits to live anew and to be called by a new name. Chuck explores the significance of Israel's first Passover and invites you to experience afresh the joy you had when you first believed.

Unusual Leading, Remarkable Results

Pastor Chuck Swindoll • Exodus 13:17—14:31

Ever feel like God has you on the toughest route toward a goal, or like He's leading you backward instead of forward? When the Israelites left Egypt, God took them south instead of northeast. When the Egyptians raced to recapture their Jewish slaves, God told them to stand firm and watch His salvation. How frighteningly miraculous it must have been to walk safely between towering walls of water and then later witness those walls of water crashing down upon the pursuing Egyptians. Explore God's unusual leading of the Israelites, so you can gain insight for today as you follow God's unusual leading in your own life and experience His remarkable results.

From Eagles' Wings to Hornets' Stings

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Do you ever say to yourself, “Okay, God, what next?” After God delivered the Israelites from Egypt, He met with them at Sinai, taught them a new way of life, and called upon them to trust His leading. God describes His salvation as resembling an eagle that bears its chicks on her wings, and it's that level of care God promises His people in every venture. Chuck Swindoll encourages you to trust God completely—the first step for anyone who's about to begin something new.