
Freedom from Hidden Shame

InLight Connection thanks Dan Duval for sharing his heart with us.

March 7, 2024 • Doug Addison

Doug is currently on sabbatical, so we have an excerpt from one of our live Zoom calls for Partners. If you want to become a Partner and gain access to future live Zoom calls (as well as past calls in their entirety) go to DougAddison.com/TimeOff for all the details.


Dan Duval of Bride Ministries gave a powerful message about shame to our Partners. Afterward, he led us in a deliverance session. There were tears, and many people were set free! Here are some notes from the call:


Dan started out by saying that many of us may not realize how much the enemy has tampered with our identity. Most of us just wake up and go about our day, not realizing that he tries to skew our heavenly identity provided by Jesus. Our experiences in this earth have filtered our ability to connect with our identity in Christ.


We have the promises given to us by God, and we are being transformed over a lifetime. As we engage with that process, some people encounter a lot of hurdles. Some have more hurdles than others. If you sit down with many people and hear their story, you would not believe what they survived.


Most people are wrecked by shame, and they don’t even know it. Shame is the cause of many things that people are struggling with.


Dan continued by teaching about one of the major enemies of God in the Old Testament—Molek. Molek is a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifices.


Dan read Leviticus 20:1–5 to give us context:  


The Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molek is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him.  I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molek, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name. If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molek and if they fail to put him to death, I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together with all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molek.


Dan said that the idol of Molek basically functioned like a grill. People set a fire within the idol, and then they would place their children on the outstretched arms of the idol. This was a horrific offense to God, and the fact that His children would do such a thing was an abomination.


As you go through Israel’s history, you learn some sad things such as, when Solomon descended into rebellion, he actually built a high place to Molek. Can you imagine? The same man who built the temple goes on later to build a place for Molek (1 Kings 11:7).


Dan told us that there is a fascinating study on what the name Molek means. It actually means “King of Shame.” So, you end up with this prophetic symbol that the children of Israel were turning to the “King of Shame” for their demise.


And now, for many Christians, shame has been exalted over their identity in God.


Many can’t connect with what God has called them to and they can’t step into confidence. They have many hurdles because of hidden shame. Shame is one of the greatest enemies of the children of God!


Shame is the painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. Many people carry shame … and shame needs to go!


Dan urged us to hold before the Lord whatever was coming up regarding shame. 

He said that we get the opportunity and privilege of surrendering the things that God does not want in our lives. 

Jesus will help us let it go! He will deliver us from every evil spirit in and around our environment that has been smashing us and hindering us by creating obstacles to the plans and purposes of God.


Next, Dan asked us to just take a moment to meditate with Jesus on what’s coming up.




Lord Jesus, what are You bringing to the surface? Just show me. Show me where I have broken agreement with Your heart for me, for my life and for those around me. Where have I accepted false labels? Embraced self-hatred? Taken my identity from failures and cycles of bondage . . . instead of my heavenly identity in Your finished work?


Show me, Father God. We come before You today in the mighty name of Jesus. We thank You that You are faithful. You give us promises. You are the healer. You are the deliverer. You are the good shepherd. It is written that the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, need or have lack of anything. You make me lie down in green pastures. You lead me besides still waters and You restore my soul (Psalm 23).


We come before You today to confess hidden shame . . . shame that has been harbored in our hearts … in our subconscious, in our minds. Shame about our performance, achievements, our bodies, our ability to walk in freedom, our intelligence … shame regarding things we've done in the past that weren't right … shame from things we shouldn't be doing now which is holding us in cycles of behavior that do not please You. 

We confess shame and we repent.


We repent because we do not need to be defined by shame. Shame must be dethroned in our lives! We change our thinking, and we renounce shame and serve it a bill of divorce!


Thank You, Jesus, that You are taking those hidden things of shame right now!


Because it is written, “Instead of your shame there shall be double honor” (Isaiah 61:7), I declare that every evil spirit that has been at work in and around my life as a result of shame is now being bound, pierced and thrust out for judgment to where the Lord Jesus sends them! 


Lord God, I thank You that Your Holy Spirit takes the opportunity to impart truth where there have been lies. Holy Spirit, show us Your perspective of who we are. 

I thank You, Lord God, that we are washed today by the water of Your word. Thank You for garments of righteousness, garments of praise, garments of salvation … And I thank You that this freedom is sealed everywhere Yahweh is. Amen.

InLight Connection thanks Dan Duval for sharing his heart with us.

P.S. Thank you to all of those who partner with InLight Connection and give on a regular basis. You are holding their arms up in the spirit right now, and they are truly grateful. For those who have not yet given or it’s been a while, please consider giving now (or partnering monthly) … to help, just click HERE. Becoming a Partner will give you access to the upcoming guest speaker events. These meetings are going to be POWERFUL!

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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