God Has the Enemy in Checkmate

November 28, 2024 • Doug Addison, Shawn Bolz

In this special excerpt, Shawn Bolz talks about some things we are currently seeing in culture and the Lord’s response. 

Below are some notes from our Partners-only Monthly Mentoring Session. These sessions have been recorded and you can access them by becoming a Partner today! Find out more at DougAddison.com/TimeOff.


Shawn started off the session by saying that there are things manifesting in culture and in the world right now that are insidious and demonic.

We know that God is omnipresent. The enemy is not omnipresent. When he is manifesting in these many places, he’s holding nothing back. He doesn’t have many resources, so he’s using all his resources at once in our generation to make a show and an appearance. That’s why you’re seeing such blatant things like Grammy performances—which are actual demonic displays—and recent scandals where there’s been occult activity. You’re also seeing it with other musicians, film and video games. 


Many things happening in culture are a full display of the enemy. And while you look at this (and of course you hate to see it), know that the enemy does not have us in check ... God has the enemy in checkmate!


The enemy does not rule. God rules!


God is doing an alignment right now and that's why there's been so much transition. Many people have been going through career changes, geography changes, personal development changes … so many of us have overcome things!


A barrage of spiritual warfare has happened against the average believer. Some of you may have felt that or maybe you’ve already overcome it. Maybe it feels as if you’re in the middle of it now. But understand the reason why the enemy does this … It’s to distract us from who Jesus is and what He can do.


If we can keep our eyes on Jesus, everything in the world can be overcome. Jesus already beat everything at the cross. When you’re looking at Jesus and His affection for humanity, it changes the narrative.


For example, when the Pharisees came to stone the woman caught in adultery, they wanted to trap Jesus by having Him say that the woman shouldn’t be stoned, because that would have gone against the law. Instead, Jesus said that whoever didn’t have sin should cast the first stone.


When Jesus looks at the world right now it's not Democrat or Republican or Diddy versus the clean celebrities. Or your children who are having a hard time versus the ones who aren’t … He looks at the world with love and He came to die to give His life for each one, so we can all know Him.


The Lord is going to give His people unusual options that don't exist on the table of humanity right now. We’re going to encourage each other through His prophetic Spirit and anointing, and then we're going to see a spirit of encouragement be released where there's been all hell breaking loose.


Shawn said that he’s not sure when it will be, but we're about to hit a tipping point. We're in a window of opportunity right now to see and focus ourselves on what God's doing. Even if it’s just a practice of love—we’re coming to Thanksgiving and being grateful for what we’re seeing God do.


Shawn urged the Partners to pray, “You are my tipping point, Jesus. You’re the one who’s going to bring me (and the world) all the way with Your full plan. You lose nothing. Even though we can see the injustice of what’s been lost, You can bring it all together.”


We are going to be in Heaven one day and we’re going to see the beautiful recompense, restitution, and restoration … the full plan of God. When we do, we’re going to say, “You’re so brilliant, God.”


We have no idea how good His goodness is! When we see His full plan, we’re going to be screaming, “Holy!” 

When we look at Him, we’re going to be astounded at what He’s done to make things right, and this will be beyond what we can comprehend. We’re going to worship Him forever for it … and we can enter into some of that now.


God wants to show us what He's doing. He wants to show us that He has a plan that's going to trump the enemy. He has a plan that's going to destroy the works of darkness and align Christians to be transformative agents … to do things in culture that have never been done before.


Shawn told the Partners how he spoke at churches and conferences and enjoyed it for many years, but then there was a shift in him. He felt like he was being deployed from the church and into the world. He felt the Lord calling him into the area of media ministry.


Shawn also said that he felt the contradiction in many people’s hearts where they didn’t really believe to go into all the world, even though they preached it. They didn’t think it was that valuable …


Regardless, Shawn started a news commentary broadcast, and they’ve had 20 million listens, which is a huge distribution. At first, it felt as if they were just shooting in the dark. And even some of the subjects he was given … Shawn wasn’t sure how he would talk about them with love and in a way that was honoring, but then he realized that God was deploying people into culture.


This is going to require transformation and people who are willing to go and be in these environments to see that transformation happen.

InLight Connection thanks Shawn Bolz for sharing his heart with us! 

P.S. Thank you to all of those who partner with InLight Connection and give on a regular basis. You are holding their arms up in the spirit right now, and they are truly grateful. For those who have not yet given, or it’s been a while, please consider giving now (or partnering monthly) … to help, just click HERE. Becoming a Partner will give you access to the upcoming guest speaker events. These meetings are POWERFUL!

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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