

June 4, 2023 • Pastor Mark Johnson • Titus 1:1–4

Welcome to our pastoral team series, LIVING, from the powerful and practical letter to Titus. The repeated words, reveal Titus’ theme: Savior (6x), Doctrine (3x), and Work(s) (8x). The truths about the Savior transform our LIVING. Deeds display doctrine. Behavior is based on Belief. Faith produces works (Eph. 2:10). Your actions

show what you REALLY believe. When Christ redeems us, our LIVING is transformed. We find what real living is meant to be. Paul’s introduction lays out the basics for Real Living…

More from Living

Warning Label

August 6, 2023 • Pastor John Rickman • Titus 3:9–15

So many products today come with warning labels. As Paul concludes the letter to Titus, he gives a few parting warnings for the church: focus on the things that matter, avoid distractions, and beware of divisions.

The Christian's Motivation for Godly Living

July 30, 2023 • Pastor Miguel Yustiz • Titus 3:3–8

Paul explains to Titus that the motivation for continually reminding the Cretans to live godly lives should be our understanding of God’s saving character. He carries out his explanation by answering the question: Why should Christians live godly lives?

Seven Practices For Godly Living

July 23, 2023 • Pastor Miguel Yustiz • Titus 3:1–2

Paul recognizes that the Cretans were (in a lot of ways) products of their culture, so he commands Titus to keep the Cretan believers accountable to living godly lives that will contrast the sin-dominated culture in which they lived.