
The Messiah's Titles

December 4, 2022 • Pastor Phillip Macdonald • Isaiah 9:1–7

Pastor Andrew Davis said, “In every epoch of history, humanity has sought a righteous form of government, but the depravity in every nation has made it impossible.” Due to Israel’s sin, they found themselves in distress, darkness, gloom, and anguish (Isaiah 8:11-22). Without God, we all personally find our nation and ourselves in despair. We long for joy, peace, and righteousness in this world, but our sin makes these impossible to achieve through our own efforts. Yet, hope dawns in Isaiah 9 as the promised Messiah is prophesied to change our darkness to light, our gloom to joy, our wars to peace, and our corruption to righteousness. Isaiah 9:1-7 shows us the benefits we possess when we trust in the promised Messiah.