
Before The Glory Days

1 Thess. 5

Give Thanks in All Things

June 14, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • How critical is trusting God to thanking God? • What causes you discontentment? What can you thank God for in your deepest discontent? • Find the simplest Bible verse that encourages thankfulness and commit it to memory. What is the verse? • Is peer-to-peer comparison a valid way to find thankfulness?

Abstain from Evil

July 12, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What does "form" mean? What is a "form of evil"? • How does a person know what is evil? • In what way does 1 Thessalonians 4:3 help define the word "abstain"? • What is the purpose of abstaining? What good does it produce?

Hold Fast to Good

July 5, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What does it mean to "test everything"? Test by what standard? • Describe what it means to "hold fast." How does one hold fast to truth? • How important is decisiveness in the Christian life? Are there dangers to indecisiveness? • Who determines what is good? Why?

Do Not Despise Prophecies

June 28, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What is the purpose of prophecy according to 1 Corinthians 14:1-6? • What distinctions are noticeable between prophecy and tongues (1 Cor. 14:1-6)? • What does “Do not despise prophecy" mean (1 Thess 5:20)? • Where does the church find and receive prophecy today?

Do Not Quench the Spirit

June 21, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What specific ways does the New Testament describe the Holy Spirit’s ministry to a believer? • Describe the word “quench." What does it mean? Why is it dangerous to quench the Holy Spirit? • How does the Holy Spirit minister with God’s Word? • Is the local church receptive to the Holy Spirit? Why or why not?

Pray without Ceasing

June 7, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • How do you choose the things you pray about? Is there a biblical reason for that prayer? Are your prayers balanced between personal and group needs, physical and spiritual needs, etc.? • What does "without ceasing" mean? Are you faithful to it? • Give a reason why God would ask believers to pray without ceasing. • What emphasis does communion with God have in prayer? Please discuss.

Rejoice Always

May 31, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What does it mean to rejoice? • How does rejoice "always" fit in the rhythm of everyday life? • How does the future return of Christ inform a theology of suffering? • Who is the most joyful person you know? What is their source of joy?

Suppress Evil and Seek Good

May 17, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What does the word “repay” assume? • List 2-3 ways evil can be suppressed and 2-3 ways good can be encouraged. • Are there boundaries around “to one another” and “to everyone”? Please describe. • Why is it necessary to apply these two commands to a church?

Don't Lose Your Cool

May 10, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What situation or person needs more patience from you? • Why is patience with people particularly difficult, especially close family and friends? • Identify examples of waiting in the Bible. What can you learn from their patience? • Name a few spiritual blessings of patience.

Don't Live Alone

May 3, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What is weakness? How would you identify a person as weak? • Recall a time of personal weakness and share how someone helped you. • Where does a spiritual desire to help the weak originate? How can you cultivate this desire? • What is the church’s responsibility to help the weak in the church and in society?

Don’t Lose Hope

April 26, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • What does it mean to be fainthearted? How have you experienced this recently? • What is gospel-defined hope? • Describe the church member's responsibility to "encourage the fainthearted." • How should Christians view pain (physical or emotional)? What biblical examples of pain inform your conclusions?

Don't Waste Time

April 19, 2015 • Michael Wilburn

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • Who “admonishes” who according to 1 Thessalonians 5:14? • What does it mean to admonish? Have you given it or received it lately? • Share examples of idleness. • In what regular ways can a church “admonish the idle”?