Pray for the Scripture translation project among the Ingessana of Sudan to be completed and that the people will hide God’s Word in their hearts. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to East Africa, where the Ingessana live.
Lome is the largest port city in West Africa. People from across Togo and neighboring countries come to this city of 2 million people looking for work. Pray that the Church will find ways to share the riches of the gospel with thousands who go to Lome looking for a job.
Pray for God to move among refugee communities across South Africa and draw them near. Ask God to encourage our missionaries who are working faithfully among these displaced. Pray for more missionaries to come minister among refugees across Sub-Saharan Africa.
This capital city has been overrun with mudslides and poverty. Pray for the Baptist churches and convention to reach their community by sharing God’s love and compassion with those in need, physically and spiritually.
Pray for the Baptist Theological Seminary of Zambia to continue walking in biblical integrity as they train future Christian leaders and pastors. Pray for God to call laborers to teach in seminaries across Sub-Saharan Africa.
With 1.5 million people, Niamey’s 100 churches aren’t nearly enough for everyone in the city. Pray for missionaries and churches who are engaging new areas of this city that is 95% Muslim. Pray that Muslims who are thirsting for truth will drink from the living water of Jesus.
Pray that the Chikunda of Zimbabwe will have open hearts, trusting in God alone and making a clean break from animistic traditions.
The message of the prosperity gospel abounds in this capital city as it is played non-stop over Christian radio stations. Pray for the churches to be rooted in biblical doctrines so that they are not led away by false teaching.
Pray that the believers in Maputo who have been trained in planting and multiplying disciples and healthy churches will be strengthened by God to move forward in wisdom and obedience.
Most people are Muslim in this capital city that’s known for its instability. They’ve gone through nine coups d’état since having independence. Pray for the churches of Ouagadougou to be solid in their faith and boldly proclaim the true King who is forever on His throne.
Pray for the multitudes of people in Central Africa, that God would draw their hearts to His light. Much work is happening as missionaries and Baptist partners share the good news. Pray for prepared hearts that are ready to say yes to Jesus as their Savior and Lord!
Yaounde is Cameroon’s capital city. Many citizens speak both French and English. Pray for their Baptist convention as they train up and send missionaries into the unreached French-speaking countries of West Africa.
Pray that God will move in the hearts of the Bambara of Senegal. As they choose to follow Christ, pray that they will share the good new with their family and friends across Senegal and Mali.
This capital city has over 3 million people, and only 2% are Christian. In January 2024 Mali designated $5 million to build a witchcraft learning center. Pray that this project does not happen. Pray for God’s truth, way, and life to penetrate the darkness.
Ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into Juba to train believers in making disciples who make disciples, resulting in healthy churches that spread across South Sudan and beyond.