The message of the prosperity gospel abounds in this capital city as it is played non-stop over Christian radio stations. Pray for the churches to be rooted in biblical doctrines so that they are not led away by false teaching.
Pray for the Scripture translation project among the Ingessana of Sudan to be completed and that the people will hide God’s Word in their hearts. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to East Africa, where the Ingessana live.
Lome is the largest port city in West Africa. People from across Togo and neighboring countries come to this city of 2 million people looking for work. Pray that the Church will find ways to share the riches of the gospel with thousands who go to Lome looking for a job.
Pray for God to move among refugee communities across South Africa and draw them near. Ask God to encourage our missionaries who are working faithfully among these displaced. Pray for more missionaries to come minister among refugees across Sub-Saharan Africa.