
Should The Government Create Laws From Christ’s Teaching?

Ask Pastor Tim | 21:36

September 16, 2022 • Tim Conway

Ask Pastor Tim | Do the laws created by the government need to be derived from Jesus' teachings? Does the Bible call for us to seek to bring this about? What is the place for a believer in politics?

0:00 - Question - Should political authorities take Jesus' teaching as the basis for creating laws?
1:38 - Asking the audience their initial thoughts.
2:10 - How would you make a Biblical case?
2:55 - What is our Christian responsibility in regard to the government?
7:15 - Does Jesus ever want us to take up this political agenda?
10:48 - What if a believer gets into some type of political office?
13:31 - Laws do not change the heart of the people.
15:02 - What is the advantage if we have Biblical laws on the books?
17:15 - How are we called to live right here and right now?
20:00 - More audience interaction.

Self-Gratification? Don't Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price

June 11, 2024 • Tim Conway • Matthew 5:27–30

This topic is really sensitive, and what I'm about to say might make some of you uncomfortable. Someone wrote in, "I want to talk about a significant struggle—a place of battle, struggle, falls, and failures. About 3 to 4 years ago, God saved me, and since then, I've changed in many ways. However, one particular sin has barely changed: the sin of masturbation. I've been heavily addicted since I was 12, and now, at 23, I've had some small victories but keep falling back. Honestly, I still feel like a slave to that sin. Does this mean that the Son has not set me free yet? Or even worse, that I'm not saved?"

Does Jesus Have A Different Will To The Father?

April 12, 2023 • Tim Conway

How Can We Be After God's Own Heart