
Ask Pastor Tim

Questions & Answers

Self-Gratification? Don't Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price

June 11, 2024 • Tim Conway • Matthew 5:27–30

This topic is really sensitive, and what I'm about to say might make some of you uncomfortable. Someone wrote in, "I want to talk about a significant struggle—a place of battle, struggle, falls, and failures. About 3 to 4 years ago, God saved me, and since then, I've changed in many ways. However, one particular sin has barely changed: the sin of masturbation. I've been heavily addicted since I was 12, and now, at 23, I've had some small victories but keep falling back. Honestly, I still feel like a slave to that sin. Does this mean that the Son has not set me free yet? Or even worse, that I'm not saved?"

Does Jesus Have A Different Will To The Father?

April 12, 2023 • Tim Conway

How Can We Be After God's Own Heart

Tested By Fire: Will My Works Survive The Judgment? (1 Cor. 3:13)

March 28, 2023 • Tim Conway • 1 Corinthians 3:13

What does Paul mean when he says our works will be tested by fire? Will they burn up or survive the judgment? In this Ask Pastor Tim, we look at what 1 Corinthians 3:13 means and does not mean. Paul is saying that our works will be judged to determine if they were done for the glory of God or for our own gain.

It Is Tax Season - Is It Always Wrong To Not Pay Taxes?

February 17, 2023 • Tim Conway

As a believer is it always wrong to not pay taxes? How should a Christian view paying taxes if the government is supporting wicked practices? 0:00 - Is it always wrong not to pay your taxes? 2:05 - What should a Christian think about the Boston Tea Party? 4:57 - Did the British treatment of Americans justify not paying taxes? 7:47 - What if the government collects taxes for something that is not its God-given duty? 14:26 - What is it that changes the world? Political protest or the Gospel? 17:06 - Personally I cannot see a place where I would not be justified in paying my taxes. 19:44 - What if the government imposed a 100% tax? 21:24 - Audience question: Can you think of a time when you would break the law?

Do Restrictions Prevent Women From Faithfully Serving Christ?

February 7, 2023 • Tim Conway

Will My Pet Dogs Be In Heaven? Are My Pets An Idol?

February 3, 2023 • Tim Conway • Romans 8, Ecclesiastes 3

Are my pet dogs going to heaven? Is my pet an idol? How would you respond to someone who says, " sincerely hope that I will be reunited with my beloved pets in heaven."? On the Internet, this is one of the most commonly searched questions regarding the Bible.

Being Overly Passive Is Bad: Things Don’t Just Happen By Accident

December 27, 2022 • Tim Conway • James 4:14–16

Ask Pastor Tim | 22:17 | Recorded in 2019. Does James chapter 4 exhort us not to make plans for the future? Passivity is bad, things don't just happen by accident, you need to be intentional and plan ahead. 0:00 - Does James 4 teach that planning for the future is wrong? 3:38 - The Corinthians accused Paul of making plans and not following through. 4:13 - Passivity is bad, things don't just happen. 8:56 - Plans may get interrupted, but that doesn't make them bad. 11:09 - How do you get confirmation from your church about missions? 15:30 - What confirmed your call to pastorate? 18:54 - Where there is no vision the people perish?

What Does the Bible Say About Joking & Laughter?

October 27, 2022 • Tim Conway

Ask Pastor Tim | What does the Bible say about joking and laughter in the life of the believer? We consider some of the following questions: What about doing pranks? Christian comedy? Does being sober-minded mean I should not laugh? How do we factor in Christ being a man of sorrows and what that should look like in our life? 0:00 - Proverbs 26.18-19 I am only joking? 2:39 - What does the Bible say about joking? 6:50 - Are laughter and joy the same thing? 7:48 - Coarse jesting is not right. 9:59 - Is having a good gut-wrenching laugh good medicine? 11:45 - One of John MacArthur's neighbors... 13:05 - What about elders and being "grave" in their conduct? 14:45 - Does being sober mean I cannot laugh? 15:50 - Should a believer watch Monty Python and Mr. Bean? 19:55 - Agenda mishap with John Piper, people thought he was a comedian. 22:42 - What about doing pranks? 26:40 - Christ was a man of sorrows.

Do I Waste Too Much Time Studying False Teachers?

October 25, 2022 • Tim Conway

In this video Tim was asked about what he thought of the Baal worship that took place the common wealth games. He responds by challenging believers to not invest too much time in studying false teachers but rather to focus on the truth. To quote Conrad Murrell, "We are not responsible to analyze everything that comes along, only that which as to do with our own personal ministry. If I am faced with a decision of working with these men or supporting or endorsing a particular thing they are doing, then I must find the mind of God in the matter; but then, only in relation to what God wants me to do. Let them alone. You have enough to do without embittering yourself fighting against flesh and blood."

Am I Unknowingly Coveting Something?

October 10, 2022 • Tim Conway • Luke 12

Is there something or someone I am unknowingly coveting? Do I unconsciously covet riches and prosperity? The purpose of covetousness is to make you live a life that makes you unprepared for your end when your time is up.

What Is The Abomination of Desolation?

September 30, 2022 • Tim Conway • Matthew 24:15

Matthew 24 speaks about of "the abomination of desolation", what is this speaking to? There are certain passages of Scripture, like Matthew 24, that contain difficulties for us to understand. In this study, Tim considers how we should understand the words, generation, abomination, desolation, and what they mean in the context of Matthew 24. 0:00 - Preview 00:51 - Don't be scared of anything in the Bible or be insecure if you don't know it all. 02:18 - Matthew 24, is it one of the most difficult chapters to understand? 05:20 - Let us talk about three words - Abomination... desolation... 08:02 - ...generation... 13:41 - What was the sign of Jonah? 15:09 - Matthew 24:36 16:41 - Let us look carefully at things here... 18:36 - There are practical implications in how you understand this passage. 25:33 - Your house is left desolate? 31:13 - At this point in time did they truly know that Jesus was going to die? 38:20 - Who does "this generation" refer to? 47:42 - Then the end will come? 1:00:30 - When are these stones coming down? 1:06:56 - Luke 21 1:17:56 - When does the sign of the son of man happen? 1:26:32 - Christ had a care for his people. 1:27:31 - I challenge you... 1:30:45 - An immediate application and an end times application?

Should The Government Create Laws From Christ’s Teaching?

September 16, 2022 • Tim Conway

Ask Pastor Tim | Do the laws created by the government need to be derived from Jesus' teachings? Does the Bible call for us to seek to bring this about? What is the place for a believer in politics? 0:00 - Question - Should political authorities take Jesus' teaching as the basis for creating laws? 1:38 - Asking the audience their initial thoughts. 2:10 - How would you make a Biblical case? 2:55 - What is our Christian responsibility in regard to the government? 7:15 - Does Jesus ever want us to take up this political agenda? 10:48 - What if a believer gets into some type of political office? 13:31 - Laws do not change the heart of the people. 15:02 - What is the advantage if we have Biblical laws on the books? 17:15 - How are we called to live right here and right now? 20:00 - More audience interaction.

Is It Okay To Cut Ties With Toxic Family Members?

September 9, 2022 • Tim Conway

What does the bible say about cutting ties with toxic family members who are having a negative effect on us?

How Should We Study The Bible?

September 3, 2022 • Tim Conway

How should we read the Bible? In this study, Tim talks about different things the believer should have when they come to read and study the Scriptures. 0:00 - How do I read the Bible? 1:50 - Why even read the Bible? 4:58 - Can anybody come along and understand spiritual realities? How to study the Bible? 10:30 - 1 - Don't be prayerless (Psalm 119.18). 15:51 - 2 - Actually open the Bible and read it! 22:32 - 3 - Believe that you CAN UNDERSTAND the Bible. 34:20 - 4 - When you read, ASK QUESTIONS about the text.