
Do You Show Respect of Persons in the Church?

Mack Tomlinson | 2:01 | Excerpt

Mack Tomlinson

One of the subtle ways we sin is by showing respect of persons in the church. Do you treat the well known and gifted people in the church the same way as the struggling and unknown ones in the church?

There Are No Bench Warmers in the Kingdom of God

Mack Tomlinson

Sports teams have those who are starters and those who sit on the bench. In the kingdom of God, in the church, there is no one who sits on the bench. Everyone is a starter, everyone is a worker, and everyone is important.

God Does Not Bring Our Sins Back

Geoff Thomas

Every person needs a covering for their sin. The only covering available for sinners is the obedience of Jesus Christ. And once God has put away our sins, He won't bring them back to haunt or torment us. Glorious reality and freedom.

Sorrow Turned Into Joy

Jesse Barrington

Jesus taught and promised amazing things to His disciples the night before He died. One of these amazing promises is that they would have fullness of joy that no one would be able to take away. He promised joy that would remain with them even in the midst of suffering.