
Spotlight Musical Theater Presents: Mission: Mirror Mirror

February 25, 2024

Belong Disability Ministry’s Spotlight Musical Theater is back with a new production in 2024! Titled “Mission: Mirror-Mirror,” the action-packed play takes place in the Oval Office with the President of the United States, his Cabinet members, and his family at the heart of the story. While one staff member’s imaginative young daughter plays unaware, an unknown enemy attempts to take control of a mirrored satellite that can impact global warming. Watch to find out what happens when the FBI steps in.

Spotlight Musical Theater is a theater group comprised of older teens and adults with disabilities who work with a professional artistic team for six months to create and perform an original musical. Spotlight productions give a voice to our friends in the community who rarely have the opportunity to speak out, as well as a chance for them to shine in the public eye and share their talents and point of view.