
The Hope of Renewal

May 5, 2019 • Peter Mueller

Today’s message continues our new message series called “All Things New” based on a book and bible study by the same name by John Eldredge. Life on planet earth is filled with joy and struggle, beauty and affliction. Unfortunately, when we are experiencing times of struggle and affliction, especially for sustained periods of time, it’s all too easy to lose hope and feel like giving up or giving in to self-medication of one kind or another. The Christian hope for Jesus to return to make a new earth and new heaven and have the two become one for us to live in with God can be an anchor of hope for our souls as we deal with the difficulties of this life - one day, things will not only be better, they will be more incredible than we every imagined and there will be no sadness, death, or mourning! What a great day that will be!