
New Commands and a New Covenant

February 9, 2020 • Peter Mueller

Since the beginning of creation, God has had a desire to live with us in friendship. Part of that plan was Him giving a list of commands to guide our relationship with Him and others. Even though our sin messed that up, God was not willing to let that be a barrier so He provided ways for our sin to be atoned for: first, with the Old Testament sacrifices and finally, with the gift of His Son Jesus. He used to be present to his people in the Tabernacle and Temple, but now He lives in the hearts of his people by His Spirit. If you believe in Jesus, He lives in you!

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A New Beginning

November 15, 2020 • Peter Mueller

Sometimes it feels like evil has taken over the world and that evil is winning. Many of the first followers of Jesus also felt that way in the face of persecution from the Roman Empire. In the midst of this context, John receives a beautiful vision or revelation full of figurative imagery that reveals God’s plan for evil to be destroyed, for creation to be renewed, and God to live with His people forever. This last book of the Bible gives us great hope for a bright future!

Paul's Final Days

November 8, 2020 • Peter Mueller

Saul who became Paul had and still has a massive influence on the people of the world as he boldly proclaimed that Jesus of Nazareth was both the Messiah Savior and Lord and King of all that is. Paul vigorously contended that the benefits of Christ’s work on the cross and in His resurrection were available by God’s grace through faith, and that God fills those who believe with His Spirit to empower them to join Jesus in the work of making the world new. Living as we do in an imperfect world with imperfect leaders, Paul invites us to follow the crucified and risen one!

Paul's Mission

November 1, 2020 • Peter Mueller

Can God really change the worst parts of you into the best parts of you? 2000 years ago, Saul found out that the answer is a resounding YES! After God changed Saul from a killer assassin into a gutsy evangelist and changed his name to Paul, he spent his life preaching the good news of Jesus crucified and risen for the freedom of all who believe in Him. Today, Jesus calls you to trust Jesus and join in that same mission wherever God leads you!