
Not After | During

Thriving in Transition

May 31, 2020 • Chris High

What habit did you establish early on in quarantine that you will want to continue? 

Pastor Chris shared, "When you don't prioritize the habit you're developing a new habit." Share with us a time you’ve experienced this to be true.

Why are we tempted to add more when we are in transition? 

What helps you to focus on the foundation? How do you know when your foundation is an issue?

What do you want your life to look like when you come out of this?

Intentional Pursuit

June 14, 2020 • Chris High

How are you being intentional in your pursuit of God? As we continue these series, let's draw closer to Him, and recognize that transformation can only be achieved when we intentionally pursue.

An Unexpected Strategy

June 21, 2020 • Chris High

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Review last week:  How was your engagement with God? Did anyone set the notifications on the app?  Did you have any success? Do you need to make any adjustments? On a scale of 1-10 how rested do you currently feel?  Why is it important to you (personally) to know that you are not in control? What does not being in control allow us to do? What does your life look like when you're well rested and when you're not? With your group take 5 minutes to reflect on the following three questions before discussing them: *How have you tried to step in and control your own story? *What area of your life feels chaotic right now? What would it look like for you to say yes to God in that area? *What would it look like for you to live your life in such a way you don’t have to take a vacation from all the things in your life?

Thriving as a Family

June 28, 2020 • Chris High

As we move through transition how are you communicating priority? How are you communicating priority when it comes to your relationship with God? How are you communicating priority when it comes to the other relationships in your life?