
Easter | An Excruciating Moment

Lost & Found

April 12, 2020 • Chris High

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Good Friday | His Servant

April 10, 2020 • Chris High


April 19, 2020 • Anthony Reimer

You don't have to understand what's happening to know He's working. It's amazing how God can work in every circumstance including moments of loss.

Beyond Circumstance

April 26, 2020 • Chris High

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Pastor Chris shared how "Meet the Parents" is one of his most unexpected and uncomfortable movies for him, what was an unexpected and  uncomfortable movie for you? How do you typically respond when faced with a situation that seems unfair? This week’s message focused on Joseph's challenging circumstances and how he responded. What are some other examples in scripture where people faced unexpected circumstances? How did they respond? How did God respond? Why is recalling God’s  faithfulness in difficult circumstances  so challenging for us? Is there somewhere that my character is being tempted during this current situation? How am I believing that my joy is tied to my circumstance in the midst of this? If God uses circumstances to build our faith in him, what should our response be when life takes us by surprise?  Are there things that God has worked for good that you have not had the opportunity to  praise Him for?