
Gnats and Camels

January 23, 2022 • John Challinor • Matthew 23:23–24, Leviticus 11

“Justice, mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.” – Matthew 23:23.
What if Jesus really meant that the way you carry out matters like justice, mercy, and faith really are what’s most important?

This weekend we stepped into our third week of What If, where (you might have gathered) we had a conversation on justice. As disciples of Jesus, He calls us to nurture both our personal holiness with Christ and also our heart for greater compassion and justice.

1* Where is God asking you to seek justice, mercy, and faithfulness in your own life?
2* Where have you been practicing your own personal holiness, but have overlooked practicing justice, mercy, and faith with the people God has called you to?

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