
Are you searching for a better life?

May 21, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Ecclesiastes 4

People recognize that the meaning of life comes from something other than having better jobs, houses, vacations, and such. We want better but better at what? Solomon shows us that compassion, contentment, community, and wisdom are the things that are better than their alternatives. We embrace life for what it is, not what we want it to be.

More from Ecclesiastes

What is the purpose of it all?

July 23, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Ecclesiastes 12:9–14

If we believe there is "right" and "wrong", then we must accept the need for a standard greater than indiviuduals' views or opinions. As disciples of Jesus, we first acknowledge God as the Creator who has a purpose for His people, We fulfill that purpose when we recognize we cannot keep his commandments and accept salvation through Jesus. We love because He first loved us.

How does death help us rejoice in life?

July 16, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Ecclesiastes 11:7—12:8

Our culture does not place value on age, we marginalize it. We fear aging because we fear death. Yet, the life of a disciple of Jesus is a call to find joy, even in the face of death. In this passage, the Preacher encourages us, especially the young, to find joy in life because that is what God commands us to do.

Do you ever wonder if what you do really matters?

July 9, 2023 • Jason McNutt • Ecclesiastes 11:1–8

Often it seems that we do the right things but never observe any difference for the Kingdom of God. Solomon shows us that we must act even when we do not know how God is using us. More times than not, that is the case. Abundantly sharing our time, talents, gifts and treasures is an exercise in faith, acting with courage through Christ.