

Exodus 31:1-11

June 20, 2021

We all have skills and abilities given to us from the Living God. He expects that we would use these skills and abilities to honor him and bless people around us. #useyourskillsforchrist #learninghowtolive #lessonsfromtheexodus

Forward With Christ

August 1, 2021 • Exodus 40

To Your Marks, Set… Exodus has felt a little like the Olympics with so much happening in a short period of time. The final chapter brings the completion of the Tabernacle, the anointing, and finally the Glory of God descending and filling the tabernacle with his presence. Remember this is recorded for us in order that we would know how to live. #lessonsfromtheexodus #learninghowtolive #forwardwithchrist

Back ON Track

July 25, 2021 • Exodus 35:1—39:23

Life can be hard and sometimes it can be an absolute train wreck… Who can help us get “back on track” after we have suffered a train wreck in our lives? Great News - Jesus specializes in the restoration and renewal of people who have been devastated by the wreckage of sin. #backontrack #learninghowtolive #lessonsfromtheexodus

Show Me Your Glory

July 18, 2021

Text: Exodus 34:1-35 Summary: Exodus 34 is God’s autobiography. The Living God will reveal his person and character with stunning clarity. When we understand who he is, we can discover who we are and how to live free. #lessonsfromtheexodus #learninghowtolive