
Live in the Light

June 11, 2023 • Jason Williams • 1 John 1:5—2:2

God is Light and in him is no darkness at all. The Living God wants his people, his children, his followers - to be people who walk and live in the light. Shady attitudes, words, and actions have no place in the life of a believer in Jesus. Lord, help us to live in the light!

This, NOT That

September 17, 2023 • Jason Williams • 3 John

We need examples, role models… heroes to follow. The Key is to carefully choose whom we follow and imitate. In the third letter from the Apostle John, we are given two Godly examples worthy of imitation and one example from which we should run.

Walk in The Truth

September 10, 2023 • Jason Williams • 2 John

The Truth Matters. The Truth is that Jesus Christ is God's Son who came for us (in the Flesh). As Christians celebrate the truth, we must remain on guard as many false teachers continue to pervert the truth.  


September 3, 2023 • Jason Williams • 1 John 5:19–21

We (Christians) can have certainty in an uncertain world. We have the assurance of eternal life, answered prayer, victory over sin and satan, belonging to God, and that Jesus is the TRUE God. Jesus gives us real confidence despite the ever-shifting circumstances.