
Assurance of Victory

Harris Creek Baptist Church

October 15, 2023 • Dale Wallace

Where do we find peace? As we continue in our series, “Forged,” Dale reminds us that peace is found with God. Dale looks to 1 Peter to remind us that our job as believers is to tell everyone the good news despite experiencing worldly bad news.

1 Peter 3:18-4:6

       1) Christ has triumphed over evil

       2) No matter the suffering, we do God’s will

       3) Everyone will give an account

Life Group Questions:

1) When you come to a difficult or "bumpy" passage in the Bible, how do you approach the text?

2) In the context of recent events, how do you hold on to the peace of knowing that Christ has already achieved victory?

3) In what ways have you suffered or been persecuted for your beliefs? How has that impacted your faith?

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